Attack Laurel Academy Pennsic Party! (announcement)

Jun 25, 2008 08:15

Extreme Costuming and the Attack Laurel Academy are sponsoring a party at Pennsic!

The Attack Laurel Academy 2008 Commencement
(and new student orientation!)

Come join us in celebrating our 2008 Graduating class (of 0 students, but who's counting?) and enjoy a party at the Academy's expense!

In other words, Extreme Costuming is having a "meet and greet" party, and everyone is welcome!

When and Where: Tuesday, August 5th, Atlantian Royal Encampment!
Time: 7pm, with speeches starting at 8pm. 
(with possible mayhem following, but don't set any tents on fire you can't pay for.)

There will be an introductory speech (and goodies) from our evil, evil sponsors, a speech from the "Dean" of the Academy (i.e., a reading of new web site material before it is posted), door prizes (keep your ticket!), and snacks!

There will also be a small prize for the outfit that most embodies the Extreme Costuming ethos, so wear your most beautiful, authentic outfit - we'll be taking pictures!

Again, everyone is welcome - the Dean may be evil incarnate, but we don't let her anywhere near the invitation list!

(You can bring snacks if you wish - the Dean is partial to Sno-Balls - but it isn't neccessary. Any questions? Ask
attack_laurel in her LJ!)

We hope to see you there!

attack laurels, party, good times, pennsic, all are welcome

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