Chibi Clark and Lex love.

Nov 09, 2007 00:09

I had a pervasive stress headache today, which only goes away when I nap but comes back when I'm awake. So I thought the day called for posting mindlessly happy-making things. Like anime SDs. ^-^

My attempts at drawing Clark and Lex: Super Deformed!

SDs are usually a prelude to formal sketching of facial profiles, followed by funny anime faces, angsty moments, and full body portraits. That has always been the pattern for me in learning how to draw characters that aren't mine since I had begun drawing in the cramped spaces of my mother's address book.

My first drawings are always sketchy (I haven't used pencils to draw Clark and Lex yet), and I'm still having fun experimenting on digital coloring, so I'm only posting the cute ones.


I began trying to draw or at least adapt the Bruce Timm style, but those chins are taunting me. :D Actually, I haven't drawn any character from American comics except when required in art class, and I have a thing for excessive lines that appeal to me in anime style. So while Mercy was easy to draw, the males were proving to be difficult.

When trying to figure out how to draw Clark's hair, he started out looking like Sam Winchester with bigger eyes and fuller lips.
(See little Sam and Dean below.)

So I tried to draw Tom-as-Superman first, because his hair's more predictable that way. (My egregious depiction of the Superman shield will improve, I swear!)

I eventually progressed to making Superman and Lex look cute.

I can't believe how glad I am that Superman doesn't wear a mask. (And he probably doesn't need a microphone, because I suck at drawing those tiny ones attached to podiums.)

And when I can draw them while on a moving bus, it means I've already grown comfortable with drawing them.

Finally, it seems I like my Clark happy, with a wide smile that becomes really full-blown when he's beside Lex.

As for the other SV characters, I am always dissatisfied with Pete when I couldn't draw him as cute as he actually is, the variety of Chloe's hairstyle and wardrobe fits anime characters, Lionel's beard is annoying, Martha and Jonathan always end up looking younger, Lois only has one facial expression, and Lana's face looks different in every try. I thought of trying to analyze why, but I ended up wondering if Lex's therapist/s used the house-tree-person projective drawing technique on him. There should be more fics of Lex putting his drawing skills to use!

And speaking of fic ideas, I stumbled across this old article that made me rethink about using this phrase in fanfic:
"Truth, Justice and the American Whatever" By James Lileks (spoilers for Superman Returns)

smallville, graphic

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