Dec 23, 2013 16:20

УТРОМ написали из дома: "деревья на нашей улице не выдержали тажести и все стали ломаться... в общем на сегодня деревьев практически не осталось а те что остались еще не срубили. наше дерево потеряло верхушку и самую большую ветку и пока еще остались две ветки но они практически сломаны. ужас в общем".

В новостях пишут:

1) A major ice storm swept through southern Ontario overnight and continues to cause hassles today, both to travel and to the province's power grids, as the freezing rain led to numerous traffic accidents, flight delays and cancellations and has left hundreds of thousands without power this morning.

The mix of rain, freezing rain and snow from Friday already gave southern Ontario a messy start to the weekend. However, the conditions became even worse late Saturday afternoon as the rain across the province changed over to freezing rain and ice began accumulating on every available outdoor surface. Roads quickly became slick and treacherous, and tree branches began gaining weight with alarming speed. Overnight, those heavy tree branches began crashing down to earth, causing widespread power outages as they took power lines down with them.

2) Mayor Rob Ford says Toronto "might" have to declare a State of Emergency but he is not willing to do so yet. He says he will make that decision with Emergency officials if conditions do not improve over the next 48 hours, adding it would only happen if the City becomes overwhelmed and unable to get residents the help they need with the resources on-hand.

"Basically, if the whole city is paralysed -- meaning if stores can't open, people can't get from A to B, TTC is shut down ... if it is unsafe to leave your house, that is when we would declare a State of Emergency," Ford says.

The Mayor asks people to check on neighbours, especially the elderly and anyone who might be vulnerable to the cold.

Надо глянуть, что творится в Пирсоне. Интересно, оправится он за сутки, нет...


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