
Jul 23, 2008 16:38

And so I've landed my self a job
A day after I started working
I lost myself my purse
And all gone my ID card, ATM cards, and some amount of money
To the police station i hurried
A few questions was asked
and one of them was...
What is your job?
I paused...
I'm a...I'm a...I'm a Software Engineer
and then it dawned to me...
I'm a software engineer...Urgh!!!

I ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

et13 July 23 2008, 10:17:20 UTC
You're a software engineer. That sounds so so cool! ^_^

Hope your purse is found. -_-


atreyuthewarrio July 23 2008, 12:48:17 UTC
yeah maybe it's cool but I've been avoiding for that position ever since i started looking for jobs 7 months ago..but then finally that's what i become anyway. Well i guess it's a fate. *laughs*

meh i don't think it will be found. I lost it in a mall anyway. But i do hope whoever took it or found it will return my ID card back even if they took the money.


et13 July 23 2008, 14:06:05 UTC
Ah well, you won't be stuck with it "for ever". *squishes*

And more *hugs*!


atreyuthewarrio July 23 2008, 14:10:11 UTC
awww *hugs and squishes too*
yup that's exactly what i have in mind too;)


valliegurl July 23 2008, 15:27:47 UTC
wootwoot! congrats! ^_^

oh, wait, you lost all your cards??


atreyuthewarrio July 24 2008, 02:21:58 UTC
Yeah unfortunately...but actually what i'm so mad about losing the purse is for the old money notes that I've collected! Urgh..It's gonna be hard to get all those back again these days..*le sigh*
other than that I'm ok.;p


ashlefaith July 23 2008, 19:38:29 UTC
OOh you have a job now! :D
Awww ok, we'll miss you :(

Sorry your purse was lost!


atreyuthewarrio July 24 2008, 02:25:05 UTC
Awww I'l miss u toooo *hugs and cuddles and squishes*;p
Fret not i'll try to come by a drop a comment or two (or loads more) on everyone's page once in while.;p


embergirl July 24 2008, 01:24:08 UTC
That's quite the poem *applauds*
That really sux about your wallet. WOOT about the software engineer. GO FOR IT!


atreyuthewarrio July 24 2008, 02:26:32 UTC
Awww thank you *bow so low that i hit my head on the floor*
hmmm that's not possible isn't it;p



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