Title: In Between Days (34/34)
Pairing: HP/SS
Rating: NC-17 overall
Summary: Snape kidnaps rescues kidnaps Harry. Starring AmbiguouslyTrustworthy!Severus and ClinicallyDepressed!Harry.
Notes: God. Okay. I don't even know what to say about this anymore. I have a giant list of people to thank that really starts with
minervacat [who, when I said a year ago "OMG
Read more... )
Comments 142
More! Oh God, it's like narcotics, I'm on a high and so incredibly satisfied but I need more!
IBD has been OMG! HOLY SHIT! Just GREAT!
This chapter just made me crave for more.
I NEED MORE- I feel like you made me dependent on this fiction.
Your an excellent writer, and damnit you better write a f'ing sequel....TONIGHT!!
"Harry felt the blackness inside him face, a shadow in the background, and he smiled."
Sorry. I may write a sequel, but it won't be for a few months at the earliest. But I'm really glad and thankful that you've been reading and enjoying the fic; everyone's been really great while I've been writing. :)
Well, it's not going to work! I'll never hate you! Even though you keeping stringing me along like this.
I love this fic!!
[Will write more later when I'm sensible. But in the meantime: *flail!*]
Marvellous. [And don't worry; it doesn't need a sequel. Not that I don't want mooooooooooore, but it stands alone and is utterly spiffy.]
Yeah. My take on Snape is that he's a nasty, bitter bastard. And when you scratch the surface, you get more nasty, bitter bastard.
And yeah, re: the sequel. It would be a VERY different kind of story, I think. Still ansgsty and pointy. But ... I dunno. Different. Anyway. Yes. Thanks for the rec and for reading and commenting and everything. Eeeee. :)
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