Title: In Between Days (24/?)
Pairing: HP/SS
Rating: NC-17
Summary: You know the drill. Snape rescues Harry from the Dursleys. They argue and shag and learn Dark Arts.
Feedback: Craved, cherished, etc.
Notes: I'm not caught up on comments from teh pr0n, but I've read and appreciated all of them. Will respond soon. Previous chapters
The morning after. )
Comments 34
Yeah, that's a pretty good word for it. *g*
Thanks for reading. :)
But the Snarry fan in me wants to believe that Snape can sense the possible *addiction* that Harry can become, if he isn't already, and THAT would throw a monkey wrench into his "I'm a pureblood who will remain standing after the war for the winning side, whatever it may be" type of plan. *nods*
I think I'll run with that one until you say different! *g*
And a big squeee for updating so soon AGAIN!
But, yeah, I suppose he does run hot and cold, although so does Harry.
And the skeptic in me says he intends to use it against Harry like a weapon
I think he could have done so before, if he were going to do it. But he's yet to hold it over Harry's head, so we can hope he won't decide to start.
Anyway, as always, thanks for reading and leaving thoughtful commentary. I heart thoughtful commentary. :)
My God you know how to hit my kinks. You wrote that for me, didn't you? Didn't you?
Harry tensed, and before he could stop himself, said, "Well, I'm not the one that liked it so much I got it tattooed on my forearm."
::snort:: Harry's now my hero.
"That-" He looked at pointedly at Harry's cock. you might want to get rid of that first 'at'.
and pointing that out! Fixed. :)
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