FICLET: Interactions [Iron Man | Tony gen | PG]

Oct 20, 2014 22:37

title: Interactions
characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts (the Tony/Pepper is there if you squint, I guess)
rating: PGish
warnings/kinks: none
length: ~400 words
summary: Hubble is dying, and Tony is drunk.
notes: gabs asked me for extremis & Hubble a million years ago. This is comics extremis, not IM3 extremis. And it's not much, but hey, it's ( Read more... )

fic : mcu, fic : iron man

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Comments 1

tipgardner November 7 2014, 04:32:14 UTC
I've no idea what's going on in that fic, but the imagery is so gauzy, beautifully hazy. But scattered about with sharp bits of glass. I really like it. Especially the note! That Galaxy really looks like a penis!


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