See, your problem is that you give them too much credit. They aren't professionals. They try to pass themselves off as professionals, but enough of them are former athletes that those that USED to be professionals have forgotten what that meant.
I'm still being amused that there's an Olympic uniform that manages to look like baggies and an oversized jersey. Heh. And the one commentator who keeps pronouncing "airs" with kinda-two sylllables so it sounds like "errors" as in "that's two huge errors back-to-back." But then, I'm easily amused.
What's weird in Dutch is most things are verbs. 'To play tennis' is 'tennissen'. 'to do sports' is 'sporten'. though i was very surprised to learn last night 'to take a test' (test=toets, tests=toetsen) is, you guessed it 'toetsen'. that just sounds so wrong to me! any noun you have in dutch has a verb with it!
Sportscastering is a very amusing enterprise. People are trying to seem clever by not saying the same thing all the time, and by having there own lingo. This often leads to some crimes against language.
Comments 14
How is that even POSSIBLE?
Also, how'd they use the word "podium" .. I couldn't figure it out.
"She's hoping to podium in these games..."
you podium, dude.
we podium, dude.
he, she or it podiums, dude.
I think it means doing a triple flip to a sitz.
Oh, well what can you expect from a sport that has 'fakey' as a technical term?
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