I'm screaming Sekai vs kaisoo WHO WILL WIN ofc as a loyal otper i'm hoping for the hilarity if taemin comes n steals jongin from under their noses but that's neither here nor there n can remain my pipe dream BUT AAAH THE MAKEOUT SESSION WAS SO GREAT ASSASSHFSKFSKSEVKRSVK i do so love sehun n his :|ness it's so entertaining
(i was SO TEMPTED to make taekai a thing but it was originally planned as sekai and as much as i love and stan taekai sekai still has a place in my heart SO) sehun is an idiot watcha talkin bout
Comments 2
Sekai vs kaisoo WHO WILL WIN
ofc as a loyal otper i'm hoping for the hilarity if taemin comes n steals jongin from under their noses but that's neither here nor there n can remain my pipe dream
BUT AAAH THE MAKEOUT SESSION WAS SO GREAT ASSASSHFSKFSKSEVKRSVK i do so love sehun n his :|ness it's so entertaining
sehun is an idiot watcha talkin bout
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