In over my head...

Aug 13, 2011 16:33

Characters: AU!Alex & AU!Amara
Date&Time: 13.5 months ago
Setting: The Mansion
Summary: Workouts never seem to just be workouts these days.
Rating: NSFW - Warnings for bloodplay and *cough* foreign object penetration
Status: Closed (technically)

Amara had been working out on the lawn for over an hour now, moving through different exercises, her body gracefully moving through the air as she swung her sword in familiar movements, sweat making her shirt cling to her body. It was movement bred of years of work, training and old fashioned blood, sweat and tears. But, she couldn’t help the way her foot landed on an errant rock, her ankle folding under her, the blade of her sword slicing along her exposed leg. She swore vehemently under her breath as she fell, dropping the blade on the ground (something she’d kick herself for later when she wasn’t bleeding into the grass), pressing her hand to the wound. She could take it inside and sew it up (painful and scarring), or she could experiment a little with her new-found gift. She looked around quickly to see if anyone was around before she heated the wound quickly with her hand to cauterize it before concentrating on healing the remaining gash in her leg. It was a slow process, the flesh knitting together slowly, her free hand clenching into the grass, pulling herself closer to the earth.

au!amara aquilla, !completed, au!alex summers

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