From The Stars

Aug 11, 2011 00:49

Characters: ALEX & OPEN
Date&Time: August 7th backdated like your mom and after this
Setting: the dungeon
Summary: Alex doesn't enjoy being 19 so far.
Rating: depends on who visits him.
Status: Open.

He'd had the same dream night after night, but this time it was much more intense. Voices spoke to him from among the stars, faceless words he had nearly memorized by now. He still wasn't sure who it was that spoke to him, but their voices were calming, made him feel at peace.

We trusted you, Alexander Summers, because your heart is pure.

And he always tried to argue with them on this, that he wasn't a hero, that they should have trusted Scott instead of him, but that was always when the light appeared. This time he stood in the center of the universe, surrounded by black nothingness filled with galaxies as far as the eye could see, and the concentrated light formed in front of him. It was the same light he had seen when talking to Jean, because within each flame-like ray of light he could see into another world. Other universes, he had come to realize. This light, whatever it was, was the reason he had ended up here in this world.

Just as he opened his mouth to ask the voices why they didn't help him, the light encompassed the space around him and finally moved through him. The pain was enough that he woke himself up back in the cold dungeon of Erik's mansion by screaming out.

He jerked forward in his chains, blood from reopened wounds around his wrists trickling down his arms. Days. He'd been here for days with hardly a visitor. They fed him, but that was about it, and it was never anyone he recognized, always some new kid. He hung there now, even though the chains bit into wounds they'd caused, and tried to imagine he was anywhere else.

au!amara aquilla, au!lorna dane, original!alex summers, au!piotr rasputin

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