Because You're Mine, I Walk the Line

Sep 07, 2011 17:42

Characters: innocent!Jay and big-meany-pants!Ben
Date&Time: Evening
Setting:The Mansion- Kitchen
Summary: Jay-Bird and Benny have a loving, sweet reunion. They've missed each other so much. ;_;
Rating: PG13 min
Status: open with permission.

There is a 1 in 175,711,536 chance in winning the lottery, but Jay felt as if she had hit every jackpot from Westchester New York to Belleveau, Nebraska. Not only was she once again alive for a period longer than a few minutes, but she had bathed- her long hair braided down her back, she had ate and there was even a pillow under her head when she slept the night before. The last few months were suddenly nothing but a horrid dream, one that she had no intention of ever sleeping to again. For now? Now she was a human, she was a student and her greatest enemy- the killer of her family (she assumed) was her protector. He would take care of her, keep her safe and as she strength slowly returned- train her in what he would know.

Jay had no interest in learning from his students- from Havok or Magma, they were below her. They were nothing compared to what she could be- for they did not know the cold hands of death, and they feared the grave. She had long since over-come that, and felt that the Headmaster knew the same. She wasn't certain, mind, and he had hardly extended her the offer- but she was going to take it none the less. Her first step was to prove her worth, to bulk back up the muscle that the grave had taken, and then to show her skills when the time was right.

Bulking up for Jay was always an experience, she had to eat just enough, exercise the same amount and let nothing slow her down. Though she yet knew where the training yards were (a place like this had to have them after all) she knew of the kitchen, and sat herself down to prepare a meal. Pork roast heated up in the oven, and eggs fried in the skillet- Jay herself was singing to herself and the empty room. It was a good day, and the future only look brighter still. She had left the darkness and the death of her family in that tomb, and no longer was she Jessica Guthrie, but called Jay, wearing the moniker of Julia Calbot- a mutant to be contended with.

au!amara aquilla, au!jay guthrie, au!erik lehnsherr, au!ben westwood

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