I Know It Sounds Crazy

Sep 01, 2011 14:59

Date&Time: About two and a half years ago; after this
Setting: the mansion; the gym
Summary: Havok is meeting Amara for the first time.
Rating: N/A
Status: open to Erik and Amara.

"Again," he commented, easily blocking the kid's punches. Teaching the new students was one of his responsibilities, and one Alex Summers took seriously. It wasn't just teaching them so much as breaking them in. This particular newcomer had a stupid power--he created and controlled water or some shit like that--and so far Alex wasn't too impressed.

In fact, as the kid lunged forward to punch him, Alex simply snapped his wrist and shoved him across the gym. It wasn't just because the kid was a few years younger that he was easily thrown, but Alex had experience in hand-to-hand combat, and he was more fit than most of the students there after years of needing to be to survive. Throwing the younger kids around was part of their training and something they'd all come to expect from Alex, and he expected they actually learn something from it.

What he wasn't expecting was for the kid to fight back, to throw a fucking wave at him from across the room. The water hit his chest so had it knocked him down onto his back, onto the mats where the breath was forced out of his lungs.

This was the reason that he had the kid pinned against the mats, one leg broken so badly his foot was resting on his shoulder, arms twisted back painfully to keep him there, when Erik walked into the room. But immediately at the presence of Erik, he snapped into a sort of informal attention, moving away from the crying kid to stand there in his soaked work-out clothes. He'd been gone for a few days gathering recruits, and if Erik was there now it was either because he wanted to watch the session or...

Alex's blue eyes shifted away from the man he thought of as his father to the broken girl beside him. It was obvious she'd been through hell, but she carried herself with a strength that Havok recognized right away. There was something in her gaze that spoke of survival of the unthinkable. It was the same look Erik got whenever he talked about the camps. But Alex turned his gaze away from her, wearing a mask of indifference as he commented casually to Erik, "It's good to see you back. When did you get in?"

au!amara aquilla, !completed, au!erik lehnsherr, au!alex summers

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