SK inspirés de G_F Fic

Jun 30, 2007 19:09

Just to tell first, sketches are not very fidele to Gale_ Force's fic ; I missed too many thin's and I lack in knowledge (language itself plus about GF's "world" developpement) . (I'm even unable to know wat coffee table maybe look. I would thin' de lil low table.)
De Gale is prolly de original one but she (GF) brings some modification on his "biography" inspite of dat Gale seems still fidele to himself.

Anyway it's a nice and (for wat my low english skill allow me to analyse) a well built fic.






De dream is sumethin' complexe in it's way to be/manifeste ,because very irregular / heterogene / confusin' / selective/ specific ect... and vaste (maybe lawless...).
My version is a dummy one; it's a *love Gale* version even if I tried to minimise dat dumbassex effect but... *nose bleed* lol.
(I even added him a ear boucle in one of dose drawin' to see if dat suits him and I made him topless when he was supposed to wear a sleepy robe . I suck XE).

Is in his dream he was Gale or David in appearance?

jenna, dream, gale

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