[Final Fantasy X] Then Be Not Coy

Jun 21, 2009 16:20

Pairing: Auron/Lulu
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Notes: Written for wallwalker
Wordcount: 900
Summary: Morning always comes.
Beta: celeloriel

Then Be Not Coy )

fandom: final fantasy x, character: auron, length: 500-1000 words, character: lulu, pairing: auron/lulu

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Comments 9

cutie_aoide June 23 2009, 00:19:19 UTC
Yay! A new Auron/Lulu story~! I love they are both "serious business" before pleasure. That is so them. I also like her inner thoughts in this. It makes me like Lulu even more.

Great fic!


cutie_aoide June 23 2009, 00:21:39 UTC
oh crap, that should be "I love how" in there. >_< I got too giddy writing this, lol.


lassarina June 23 2009, 14:23:55 UTC
Thank you! I was definitely trying to convey that neither of them was shirking their responsibilities in favour of shenanigans, so I'm glad that that came off correctly.

Thank you so much for reading, and for commenting!


cutie_aoide June 23 2009, 16:52:24 UTC
You should try posting this in aulu community too. I'm sure they'd love to check this out!


auronlu April 5 2010, 16:19:12 UTC
I only just discovered this. Hooray for getting their voices right while they're (almost) off-duty.

Very lovely bits of description without going over the top.

It's funny; I wrote my own hot springs scene before playing X-2, and lo and behold, there was a hot spring on Gagazet!


melchar April 6 2010, 08:12:20 UTC
With the glowing rocks and water areas inside the Gagazet caves, it does seem inevitable, doesn't it?


lassarina April 8 2010, 02:35:09 UTC
That was sort of my thinking. :)


lassarina April 8 2010, 02:34:04 UTC
Thank you so much! (I am only a million years late in replying, right.) I like the contrast between not quite off duty, but relaxing as far as they're able--I feel it really suits them.

Thank you for reading, and for recommending!


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