[Crossover, Final Fantasy Tactics/Final Fantasy XII] Visitation

Jan 05, 2009 18:35

Characters: Delita, Venat
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for both games.
Notes: Written for the February 2008 round of LJ springkink. Props to mithrigil for the bit about the palings, which has wormed its way into my headcanon and refuses to leave.
Summary: Delita finds something unexpected in the library.
Word Count: 453
Beta: None

Visitation )

character: delita heiral, community: springkink, fandom: final fantasy tactics, fandom: final fantasy xii, crossover, character: venat, length: 300-500 words

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Comments 2

trialia May 15 2009, 00:48:06 UTC
Oooh. Creepy :D


lassarina May 15 2009, 02:00:20 UTC
*bows gracefully* Mission accomplished! :D


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