[Final Fantasy IV] Soar

Oct 17, 2008 21:42

Pairing: Kain/Valvalicia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Spoilers, explicit sex, slight xeno (Valvalicia's claws), bloodplay, magickink, bondage
Notes: Written for the July 2008 round of IJ kinkfest. Falls after "Broken Wings" in my Lucis Ante Terminum arc.
Wordcount: 2150
Summary: She is her element. He would do well to remember that.

Soar )

fandom: final fantasy iv, pairing: kain/valvalicia, character: kain highwind, community: kinkfest, character: valvalicia, length: 1000-3000 words

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Comments 2

rushingwind January 11 2009, 09:37:37 UTC
I love this. Kain/Valvalicia is a dark pairing with so many possibilities (that, and I have a fascination with wind in general).

I love this exchange at the end:

"I see all that the wind touches," she says, and he is reminded of the time when she said that to him after Fabul.

"You are the wind," he says, surprised to find his voice hoarse.

"So I am." Her face looks distant, lost. "The Dark Knight lives. He climbs Mt. Ordeals."

Great fic. :)


lassarina January 12 2009, 00:13:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm so pleased you took the time to read, and to comment.

Kain/Valvalicia is one of my favourite pairings because it is so dark and because his very name implies a connection, plus he is her weakness in the boss battle, so...wait. I should stop before I am made of meta in all directions. Um.

I was particularly proud of that exchange, so I'm glad that it stood out.

Thank you again for commenting!

(athyn is my writing journal only; this one is my main, in case you are confused. ^.^)


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