[Final Fantasy IV] The Land Below

Feb 09, 2007 22:49

Characters/Pairings: Kain/Rydia, Asura, Leviathan
Rating: G
Warnings: Minor spoilers
Notes: 500 words. For mount_ordeals, themes #28 Land of Summoned Monsters and #67 Relaxation. Thanks to bottle_of_shine for reading over it for me.
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy IV belongs to Squaresoft. I own neither the characters nor the setting, nor do I make any profit from my ( Read more... )

fandom: final fantasy iv, character: rydia drake, character: asura, community: mount_ordeals, character: kain highwind, character: leviathan, pairing: kain/rydia

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Comments 4

celeloriel February 10 2007, 07:59:28 UTC

(But why didn't they go back to Agart? I know, I know, it's the way the story goes, but STILL.)


lassarina February 10 2007, 17:19:37 UTC
I get the impression from Rydia at the end of the game that she wants to stay aboveground, because she doesn't want to die when her friends have barely hit twenty-five, but I imagine she'd miss the Land of Summons an awful lot, since she did spend ten years of her life there.


shanaqui February 11 2007, 19:16:23 UTC
I love the tiny little glimpses of Edge we actually get at the beginning there, and for some reason I really love this line -- he did not mention it; nor did she, if she caught him at the same.


lassarina February 13 2007, 11:55:42 UTC
Yeah, I was trying to think what Edge would do and it seemed totally natural for him to be cracking bad jokes.

Also, icon love!

(It's 5:55 am and I am up for like 10 minutes calling in to work because it is blizzardy outside XD And then I saw LJ comments.)


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