[Final Fantasy IV] Chill

Dec 10, 2006 14:58

Pairings/Characters: Kain/Valvalicia
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers, sexual content
Notes: ~1100 words. Written for fanaticalone for the latest round of het_challenge.
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy IV belongs to Squaresoft. I own neither the characters nor the setting, nor do I make any profit from my fanfiction, which is purely for my own enjoyment.
Summary: Valvalicia ( Read more... )

! by request, fandom: final fantasy iv, community: het_challenge, pairing: kain/valvalicia, character: kain highwind, character: valvalicia

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Comments 6

wallbrat December 10 2006, 21:06:48 UTC
Very nice. *grins*


LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN, LJ first_seventhe December 11 2006, 13:53:31 UTC
*purrs* Valvalicia is so tasty. Things I liked - her constant taunting (fitting of a Fiend), the brief reference to Rosa, the even briefer reference to her "monster" self beneath her "humanoid" self.


Re: LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN, LJ athyn December 11 2006, 13:57:35 UTC
Yay! Thank you ♥ (What is with us and Valvalicia this week?) ahem. Anyway. Yes. Yay!


Re: LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN, LJ first_seventhe December 11 2006, 14:08:24 UTC
(I DON'T KNOW! But now she's all like "I want another piece of that prince!" And Edge is all "PLEASE GOD NO")


unclehyena December 12 2006, 03:47:14 UTC
Very nice.

One tiny grammar tweak, though; it should be, "...they landed upon a tiny, narrow rock shelf as LIGHTLY as a feather." The original implies the SHELF is as light as a feather, which isn't what you want...

Uncle Hyena


athyn December 12 2006, 13:57:13 UTC
I blame Zack for not catching that, and I will fix it forthwith.


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