[Final Fantasy IV] White Roses

Oct 19, 2006 20:47

Pairings/Characters: Kain, Rosa (Kain/Rosa unrequited, implied Cecil/Rosa)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: Written for my Kain claim at mount_ordeals, themes #19 Flowers, #34 Cold, #37 Silence, #96 Winter. 527 words. Beta reading by celeloriel.
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy IV belongs to Squaresoft. I own neither the characters nor the setting, nor do I make any ( Read more... )

character: rosa farrell, fandom: final fantasy iv, community: mount_ordeals, character: kain highwind, length: 500-1000 words

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Comments 2

a_shade_of_gray December 17 2006, 16:33:50 UTC
(Stumbled across your LJ, from one fandom community or another.)

I like. It's sad as hell, but I have this bizarre urge to write Dead!Cecil in most of my fics, and I'm glad to see it elsewhere. =)

Sorry if this double posts; LJ is being fussy


lassarina December 18 2006, 14:21:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it :) Yeah, dead!Cecil provides so many interesting opportunities.


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