[Final Fantasy VI] Steadfast

Aug 11, 2006 00:28

Title: Steadfast
Status: Complete
Fandom: Final Fantasy VI
Pairings/Characters: Celes, General Leo
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers
Notes: 100 words. For my Celes and General Leo claim at mount_ordeals, prompt #86 "Loyalty"
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VI belongs to Squaresoft. I do not own the characters nor the setting, nor do I make any profit from my fanfiction, which is purely for my own enjoyment.
Summary: Leo learns of Celes's betrayal.

When Kefka told him that Celes had betrayed the Empire, Leo could only stare in shock. The other general was convulsed with a fit of giggles at the thought of her execution.

"Leave me."

Kefka went, and Leo sat there in shock. Part of him wanted to go rescue her, but she was a traitor.

By day, he commanded his troops. At night, he grieved alone in silence for her. A messenger brought news that she had escaped, and though he knew it was disloyal, in the deepest corners of his heart, he admitted he was glad to hear it.

length: 100 words, character: general leo, character: celes chere, fandom: final fantasy vi, community: esper_cave

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