I just found
this interview by Ed Gross with Bryan Singer over at "Voices of Krypton" about Superman Returns and I just felt I had to respond to it. However, I'm going to sit on it for a bit. I need to go back and rethink and organize my thoughts better. If I was to post it not as it sits all it would end up being is a rambling rant and I don't
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Comments 2
Also, regarding the other link, I can actually see why they didn't pick that up. There are so many stories about 'kid investigators' out there and to be completely honest, I wouldn't read another. They're boring and more often than not completely unbelievable. Calling the main character 'Lois Lane' wouldn't change that much. Then again, I'm one of those people who's more a Clark fan than a Lois one so who know, it may have taken off with some people. Also, I hate the way these pre-hero stories always try to slam the characters together before their time. How small ( ... )
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