Emotions are Fun to Watch

Mar 10, 2007 17:16

I gave in and took this Myers-Briggs test for Dean and Sam, which liberateanimum opted for 'cause it was the first hit on google.

I ended up with ESFP for Dean, INFJ for Sam. I do think that Sam has a lot of T in him, but the circumstances of the show overwhelmingly bring out his F aspects. His J is also somewhat tempered by being the rebellious younger sibling -- though not as much as Dean's P is tempered by being the father-worshipping older sibling. I know liberateanimum got different results for Dean (and I don't yet know what his results for Sam are) -- we agree on the ES (with S being especially strong), but he came up with just barely TJ for the rest -- but really just the tiniest bit over the line. I think the F/T conflict comes in because Dean is not actually that comfortable talking about or dealing with his emotions, even though I think that they're still his main driving force, and even those his quite empathic. I still think he's more F than T, but maybe that's in part because I mostly know NTs, not STs, and that somehow makes the T look different to me. I don't know.

Guessing based on just the circumstances of the show is really not easy. Maybe after watching Season 2 things'll shift a bit, also.

Oh, and I finally have Supernatural icon! By green-ghost, found via marinarusalka's recommendation to the rec compilation list that ignipes put together. I need more, because angsty, bloody Dean is not really appropriate for some posts, but it's so gorgeous, I could just stare at it all day...

Edited to Add: Okay wow, I'm a lot more convinced about my INFJ result for Sam after reading this description of the "Counselor Idealist," especially the psychic stuff at the bottom, but also the rest. Though I'm grumpy about being called an engineer in my own type (INTP, with ENTP leanings), so these descriptions may not be my favorite.

As for Dean, marinarusalka's result of ESFJ "Provider Guardian" seems pretty impressively apt, though he also does have elements of other types (ESFP "Performer Artisan," ESTJ "The Supervisor," etc). But that's usually true for these sorts of tests -- very few people are just one of these types. But it's fun to think about, anyway.

Edited to Add: Apparently liberateanimum also got INFJ for Sam. Excellent.

green-ghost, recs, visuals, speculation, supernatural

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