Title: Sleepless Nights
Author: athenasweapon/hokuto-sama/ASTAR
Genre: Horror, Romance, Drama, Angst, Fantasy. etc etc.
Pairing: KiseopxOC
Summary: Be careful what you wish for.
A/N: Obviously I'm bored and I feel like writing this so I will, just for you my darling Happy <33333 DON'T GRAMMAR NAZI ME. I can't spell, deal with it D<
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Comments 1
Let me just say this. I. Fucking. Love. Your. Writing. <333333333333
I swear, everything that's explained about Neverland, no matter how vague it might seem, makes complete sense to me. And it seems plausible and real. I like how it's not just "Oh, it's Neverland! Yadiyadah" but actually having reasoning behind it.
Everytime I get really stressed, I come and read this ;~~~~~; <333333333
/drowns in happiness.
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