Comic Con 2009

Jul 26, 2009 19:48

I am completely and utterly exhausted. I think in the last five days I only slept a total of 14 hours and my pedometer said I walked about 69,205 steps or 37 miles since last Wednesday. This may explain why my feet hurt. And even right now I'm currently running on only 2 hours of sleep. But it was WORTH IT. David Tennant was worth losing sleep ( Read more... )

comic con, david tennant, hot guys, tv shows, psych, convention, doctor who, movie, con report

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Comments 11

bluebanrigh July 27 2009, 13:44:23 UTC
*flail* OMG, for some reason I wasn't sure if you were attending Comic Con this year. All those panels sound so awesome!

Were there more people there than before?? OMG *silly fangirl mode* Did you get to see ASkar up close?

Claudia & Ben, awesome! No hints on any project they are gonna work on? Seperate or together?

So lucky. LASSIE!


athenaktt July 28 2009, 02:55:10 UTC
Yeah, there was a lot of people this year, but stayed away from Hall H.

No, I didn't get to see Askar up close, but I walked by Jim Cavizel so I got to see him up close. ;)

I don't remember many hints they were talking about the webisodes and the comics and a new release of the series box set. I think they mentioned Claudia doing something. I don't remember. I think Ben is in some other project too. I didn't take notes this year so don't remember. I just remember Ben is adorable when he tells his stories about beating up Rygel and that the first time he went into Henson's office, "[he] just wanted to work with the frog."


lady_jenn July 27 2009, 18:51:26 UTC
Lucky you! I went last year and enjoyed it, but it was amidst the aftermath of a break up. I'd like to go again when I'm in a better mental state, lol.


athenaktt July 28 2009, 02:58:58 UTC
I went last year too and had a blast too. But I think for this year, I had much better planning. I guess it also helps that I pretty much know the layout of the exhibit hall know, I know where exactly I want to go if I have a specific item I want to buy. ;)

If you go next year, and if I go next year we should hangout.


sunny_serenity July 27 2009, 22:10:47 UTC
OMG! FARSCAPE REUNION!! Why is there no vid for this panel?


athenaktt July 28 2009, 03:05:34 UTC
Maybe Farscape fans are too busy going "OMG Ben and Claudia in the same room again!" to put an videos up? Or maybe because it was the first panel people were up too early waiting in line and didn't take vids?


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Re: Jealousy... athenaktt July 28 2009, 03:01:09 UTC
When Askars showed his socks, Alan Ball was like, "I guess that answers your question."

Adrian is only making fun of you because ASkars is more manly than he will ever be. lol


missalee July 28 2009, 03:19:21 UTC
It was great to read your recap! I was there for Sunday but hearing about the rest of what I missed was fun! Good for you for fitting so much in!


athenaktt July 28 2009, 03:22:50 UTC
I just read your recap. Hee! The Doctor Who panel was the best though.

I basically just camped out in Ballroom 20 for two of the 4 days that's how I ended up seeing so many panels. Also helped that my feet were so tired after walking through the Exhibit hall and pretty much everywhere else. But it was great.

It also helped that since I've been going to SDCC for several years already, I'm better at planning. lol


missalee July 28 2009, 03:51:31 UTC
It was so overwhelming! I'm glad I just went for the one day, got a taste and perhaps next year I'll go for the whole thing. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see David! Trying to do all four days to start off would have been insanity. Maybe next year!

We were in Ballroom 20 pretty much all day yesterday too. And I don't think we navigated many other places except the Dealer Room, which was also insanity. I couldn't believe how much stuff was there that I couldn't even imagine existed but does! It was a really cool experience.


athenaktt July 28 2009, 03:54:36 UTC
That's how I started out SDCC, I started with one day for the first couple years, then I decided doing a whole weekend would be fun, since I had also met up with a bunch of people on LJ. AFter that I've just been going for the whole weekend for the past three years.

It is still overwhelming to me too even though I expect the lines. Like a friend of mine says, you kind of forget how HUGE SDCC is, and you forget the all the lines and waiting, but there is something about it that just keeps us going back. ;)

But I'm glad you had fun. It's always nice to have a good first experience at comic con. ;)


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