Who’s going to SD Comic Con 2009?

Jun 17, 2009 17:33

Just when I thought there would be nothing really worth standing three hours in line for, I see this David Tennant appearing at San Diego Comic Con. The panel is on Sunday at 10am… does that mean I have to wake up at 6am and stand in line starting at 7am? Gosh, I’m going to miss Ten so much next season.

I love io9’s jab at Heroes. It made me ( Read more... )

new computer, comic con, geekery, david tennant, celeb sightings, convention, doctor who, omgyay!, scifi geekery

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Comments 10

bluebear_74 June 18 2009, 01:22:36 UTC
I flipped through the guide, I just like this:

The men of 'True Blood'
To be honest, Stephen Moyer's 173-year-old Southern gent of a vamp is our least favorite on Alan Ball's swampy HBO series. He's alright -- and there's no not enjoying the sexy way he says "Sookie" (rhymes with "cookie") -- but we much prefer his supernatural co-stars: Alexander Skarsgard's steely-eyed bad vamp Eric and Sam Trammel's sweet, shape-shifter Sam. Of course, we've also got a soft spot for Ryan Kwanten's Jason, the Sookie's clueless blond brother.

-- Denise Martin, LATimes.com


athenaktt June 18 2009, 01:24:21 UTC
LOL, yup that was one of the things I agreed on. I might try to make the True Blood Panel to see Alex. since I missed it last year since the line was too damn long and I didn't get into the room. But I did see the guy who played Jason, but didn't know who he was yet. He will always be known as "cute boy from true blood with a flyer stuck on his shoe" to me. lol


bluebear_74 June 18 2009, 02:30:20 UTC
I'm not sure if Alex will be there this year, he said he's not sure if he's going yet (HBO haven't asked him??).

LOL Jason/Ryan will always be known as Vinnie from Home & Away for me. Aww he had a flyer stuck to his shoe??


athenaktt June 18 2009, 02:45:56 UTC
Yup he had one of the shiny cardboard flyers stuck to his shoe, when we were crossing the street. We were walking behind him the whole way. And my friend was like "should we tell him?" lol

But eventually the flyer came off, but it was amusing.


phrenitis June 19 2009, 05:05:02 UTC
Comic-Con! I'll be stuck working at the booth as usual, but come say hi! :D


athenaktt June 19 2009, 06:58:09 UTC
I know you'd be there! I'll definitely come by and say Hi and see you going crazy go nuts with busyness. ;)


sunny_serenity June 19 2009, 05:43:08 UTC
I'm so tired of girls getting the second citizen treatment in the geek world. I think it comes from those who don't know how to recognise that Woman is more than flesh and boob wrapped in leather and tied with latex. I've been fortunate to encounter Men in the geek world that give women and girls the same respect and equality of geekitude they would to other guys. It's sad to see geeks and social outcasts divided cos hell, if WE can't stick together who can??? Anyway, have FUN at Comicon!!! *wishes she was going* Cos OMG!DAVID!TENNANT!!!!!! *FANGIRLS*

DH isn't all that great IMO. The brightest shining stars are Amy Acker and Olivia Williamson. I dunno if it's concept or execution or BOTH but it's most definitely more rentable than ownable.

Also is it just me or does Time traveler’s wife sound like Journeyman? Dammit, I still want Journeyman back!

THIS! OMG. Hell. Yes. To be fair tho, I think the book was the inspiration for Journeyman.


athenaktt June 19 2009, 07:07:33 UTC
Seriously, like how many percent of the online fandom consist of FEMALES?

Yeah, the only reason I keep watching DH is because I like Olivia Williamson, and like you said everything is kind of bleh. I think the concept is interesting, but I think the execution is lacking because so are so "out there". Also doesn't help when the actors they pick only have 2 ranges of emotions when they are supposed to play 50 different personalities.

And you're right, I totally forgot Time Traveler's Wife was a book. lol I'd definitely would want to see the movie, but for some reason I don't really McAdams. That might distract me from Bana. lol

P.S. Love the icon.... that is totally what Tennant will do the moment he shows up at SDCC. lol


sunny_serenity June 19 2009, 23:13:42 UTC

Also doesn't help when the actors they pick only have 2 ranges of emotions when they are supposed to play 50 different personalities.

LOL. So true. They're either surprised or violently angry.


ankareeda June 23 2009, 00:43:49 UTC
Also it is still pretty offending to see this Girls Guide to Comic Con. Sure it’s nice to see hot celebrities at events like Comic con, but that isn’t the sole reason a lot of girls go to Comic Con.
o.O *giggles* We are the geekiest of the geek! ;)

Wheee, yay, for new computer! Enjoy your new baby and have fun playing Sims 3. :D


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