Swficathon: "Something to Talk About"

Dec 18, 2006 21:15

Title: Something to Talk About
Author: athenaktt
Written for: lone_pyramid
Rating: Kid Friendly
Story Request: fluff, non-established relationship, friendship fic (UST preferred but optional). Bonus points for an appearance by Zelenka.
Spoilers: Up through "Phantoms"
Summary: People have always had a tendency to talk, and the joyride that John convinces ( Read more... )

sga, fandom, ficathon, sheppard/weir, fanfiction

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Comments 32

sgangel December 19 2006, 16:17:18 UTC
LOL!! that was great!


athenaktt December 19 2006, 21:58:27 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you like this little story. :)


anr December 19 2006, 16:51:08 UTC
Very sweet story, hon. I especially liked the intimacy of the moment at the end there between the two of them. :)


athenaktt December 19 2006, 21:59:54 UTC

And thanks for settng up the ficathon again this year. It's always a joy to participate even if I tend to procrastinate like mad. ;)


anr January 4 2007, 11:56:30 UTC
heh, you're very welcome. :)


agentcat47 December 20 2006, 03:24:19 UTC
Aww, that's so cute! Hehe, he gave her a black eye...I've had one of those before. No fun. But aww, I really, really loved that. John's always getting her into trouble off world. Great work!


athenaktt December 20 2006, 03:26:10 UTC
Hee! Thanks!

I've been fortunate, to never recieved a black eye, but I've been bruise everywhere else and those are pretty painful too. :p


agentcat47 December 20 2006, 03:32:19 UTC
You're welcome.

Hehe! Black eyes are no fun, really. Poor Lizzie. I kinda want a sequel now. "The dark and stormy nights are when John twists under his sheets and tries to find a comfortable position as her recalls his elbow ramming into her eye..." Heh.

I don't usually get bruised. My brother hit me in the eye.


athenaktt December 20 2006, 03:38:41 UTC
Hm... a sequal. I know Elizabeth would proabably never let John live that down. ;)

I bruise pretty easily. The last time I went paintballing I came back bruised for life. LOL

Did you punch your brother back? Because he would totally derserves it. :p


vickysg1 December 20 2006, 19:53:43 UTC
This is so great! But so short!

But I bet that rumour would be flying around for a few months indeed!


athenaktt December 22 2006, 01:10:10 UTC
Thanks, sorry it was short. If didn't make it short, I don't think I'd every finish the story. :p

Hehe, nothing like rumors being passed around the Atlantis base. ;)


sunny_serenity December 20 2006, 20:40:27 UTC
I dunno if it's excessive Firefly watching or excessive Buffy watching but this totally reminds me of the Joss Verse, spesh the opening snark b/w Zelenks & John & Weir... and then it got all cute! Like C-U-T-E cute. And damn that Skinner and his kissus interuptus. He's been taking lessons from that damned bee hasn't he? *glares*


mizz_magenta December 21 2006, 21:03:46 UTC
TPTB better not pull one of those on us. My hate is busy enough venging on that damn bee and construction worker!


sunny_serenity December 21 2006, 21:26:59 UTC
I thought he was a sewer worker.. or those electric dudes. Damn interruptions.


mizz_magenta December 21 2006, 21:37:14 UTC
Whatever he is, when I meet him he's a dead man. ;P


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