Orpheus - Chapter 2

Jul 31, 2006 11:21

I’ve been bad in updating. Shame on me *hangs head* And fancy that I start having time to update just when I’m about to go on vacation. I'm so bad at updating mostly because I’m lazy evil and like to keep being hanging.For those still waiting on Chapter 3, I’m sorry don’t kill me I’ll have it up before I leave for vacation. I promise. I just need ( Read more... )

orpheus, sga, sheppard/weir, fanfiction

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Comments 25

sg_lab July 31 2006, 20:40:50 UTC
I completely forgot about this fic. This is getting intriguing. You must update soon.


athenaktt July 31 2006, 21:18:31 UTC
Don't feel bad about forgetting this fic. I've been so busy with other things that I sort of forgot about it until my Beta started poking me again.

I really need to get back on the ball especially now that there is a new seasons. >_<

And thanks!


agentcat47 July 31 2006, 20:49:02 UTC
ZOMG!! I remember this!! I also looooove this!! PLEASE POST MORE SOON!


athenaktt July 31 2006, 21:19:16 UTC
Yay! Someone who remembers! I know it's bee like 2 months since I updated. Shame on me. XD

Thanks hopefully I should have the next chapter up earlier than 2 months. =P


muldy July 31 2006, 21:31:55 UTC
Intriguing....*wants more*



athenaktt August 1 2006, 18:26:35 UTC
Hee! thanks!

Just curious did you sent out the package yet astropoet sent to me? I just want to let my parents know if I don't get it before I leave town next week.


muldy August 1 2006, 20:50:09 UTC
Oh eep ur leaving town next week?? Erm nope haven't sent it...but I'll do it tomorrow morning before work and cross my fingers it gets there before you leave.

Otherwise don't worry it won't go off or anything :P


muldy August 1 2006, 20:51:01 UTC
Ahem...that was me...sorry was distracted looking out the window :P (am at work)


alianne July 31 2006, 21:59:42 UTC
ooh, update, finally!! Yay!!
Nice chapter!! More soon? Please? :D
I really like this one!!


athenaktt August 1 2006, 15:56:55 UTC
Thanks! I'm going to try to get the next chapter up soon. Then again my readers know I don't have the best track record when it comes to updating. >_<

Hopefully I'll get more up soon. ;)


barker9 July 31 2006, 22:13:34 UTC
Yay! I missed this story. I wanted to make a funny using "Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?" but it would have sucked. lol! Still loving it. While I was reading through I wondered if the same thing could be happening with Elizabeth somewhere else.

Looking forward to more. :)


athenaktt August 1 2006, 15:57:40 UTC
You should use the Scooby Doo Icon because I totally deserve it. lol =P


barker9 August 3 2006, 17:31:24 UTC
Yeah, I looking around for good ones. :D


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