Drabble: Practice (Bruce Wayne, G, pre-series)

Aug 16, 2012 23:05

Bruce watched his father's fingers dance over the violin's fingerboard.

The notes poured from the instrument, carrying him with the melody, until one sour note brought him back to earth with a grimace.

"I missed the C sharp. Let me try that again." His father repeated the passage, slower this time, until he could play it perfectly.

Bruce thought about how different the violin was from the piano his mother played. They both used strings (one struck, one bowed), but when she pressed a white or black key, the same note always sounded. With the violin, even a small change in the placement of his father's fingers would alter the sound.

When his father stopped to turn the page, Bruce spoke. "Can I try?"

"Of course. My violin's too big for you, but you can try it out."

Bruce experimented, pressing the strings in different places and then plucking them.

"Would you like to take lessons?"

Bruce mumbled "yes" as he drew the bow awkwardly across the strings.

"We'll find a teacher for you. I was about your age when I started." He looked at his watch. "Time to get ready to go to the movies. Can't keep Zorro waiting."

comicdrabbles prompt: Sharp
fanfic100 prompt: Black

challenge drabbles, fan fiction, gen

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