Okay, if anyone isn't familiar with the Rifqa Bary case, she's basically a girl who claims that she has run away her parents because they will perform an "honour killing" on her for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity. However, in the first of the videos below you will see that even in a video which strongly sides against the parents, the girl is hysterical and the way she clings to the Christian pastor suggests that she is extremely disturbed. (There are two news reports under the cut for those who are unfamiliar with this case):
Here's a news report siding against the parents. It is nevertheless quite clear that something is very wrong about the girl's relationship with this pastor:
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In another video we see the reply from the father where he looks visibly upset. Interestingly, this video also shows the reaction of the girl's brother, who is convinced that his sister is being misled:
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There's a fairly long interview with the parents here. The father explains that he first heard about his daughter's Christian beliefs when she was 14 years old, so that would be 3 years ago. The mother looks absolutely devastated. The father explains that he allows his daughter not only to be a Christian, but also to wear the revealing cheerleading outfit and take part in her school cheerleading troupe. He also reminds us that their country of origin, Sri Lanka, is a predominately Buddhist country - not a Muslim one.:
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The latest video I have discovered on Right Wing Watch shows a guest appearance from Rifqa Bary. As per usual she speaks erratically and (rightly or wrongly) shows a great deal of paranoia. However, if you skip to about 4:10 on the video you will hear her being asked to pray. At this point she barely makes any sense at all and really seems to be crying hysterically. When she suddenly stops praying abruptly there is a moment of shocked silence from the radio host and afterwards there is a call for a general prayer and the rest of the broadcast descends into chaos. - I must warn you, if you you decide to play this video, that I found it very disturbing:
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Now maybe I'm misunderstanding how Christianity in the US works, but that sounds like a mentally disturbed girl. Far from making me fear a possible "honour killing", I feel much more concerned about the bizarre cult-like form of Christianity she is currently enrolled in.