Personal Dreamworks

Feb 26, 2008 06:02

The other night I kept passing thru the TV room inbetween others' tasks and my own, where the spouse and daughter were watching the Oscars.  The good was catching a nifty song featuring an 11 year old soloist who was just spectacularly good.  The bad (entirely my opinion) was a clip of what I felt like a pretentious, ranty klunker of a movie called There Will be Blood.  A title like that, I wouldn't have gone to see it whether it swept the Oscars or not, but the fact that it was there obviously indicates I have terrible taste.  OK.  I'll accept that.

But.  Here's my question.  Supposing Steven Spielberg asked YOU what your dream movie would be about?  What would you say?  You do not have to make up a story, just mention a few of the elements that are a sure draw.  Like, mine are always going to be wit, stylish clothes, settings, etc, humor, maybe swashbuckling action or maybe not.  Romance is always nice, but not necessary.  I'll pretty much always fall for a variation on Beauty and the Beast, sometimes for Cinderella stories, but almost never for Little Red Riding Hood motifs or Hansel and Gretel.
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