Mind showing me around town?

Jun 12, 2007 14:47

Location: The park.
Characters: Sirius Black and Ziva David (and anyone else who might want to wander by)
Status: Semi-Public
Rating: PG
Summary: Sirius takes a walk. Ziva just arrived and is looking for someone to talk to.

Remus was working. Sirius was bored. )

ziva david, sirius black

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ziva_ncis June 12 2007, 20:03:00 UTC
Ziva was annoyed. She hadn't been given very clear instructions, just basically told “Get on a bus and go.” She didn’t like that. It made her feel like there was a lot going on that no one had told her about. Either that, or no one had any idea what was going on. Neither was a particularly pleasing scenario.

She had, however, done what she was told. She’d gotten on the bus. She’d ridden it all the way to Canada, which hadn’t been very much fun. The fact that the man next to her had talked for nearly the whole ride hadn’t helped matters. When the bus had finally let her off, she breathed a sigh of relief and began walking.

And walking.

It was about then that she realized maybe she should find somewhere to stay. Or someone to talk to. Or something. She looked around for some inspiration. The first person she saw was a man wandering through the park. She grinned and began walking toward him. This would be fun.


ziva_ncis June 15 2007, 15:20:21 UTC
Now that wasn’t coincidence. Ziva watched her suitcase float about on its own with a somewhat skeptical look. She liked being in control of her personal possessions. “Hmm,” she said, as if that explained things. She glanced at the suitcase, glanced at the man, sighed. It did seem like he was telling the truth. Except…magic? There must be some logical explanation that she just hadn’t figured out yet. “I’m not really sure what I should ask you to do,” she admitted. Hypnosis? That didn’t really explain the suitcase, unless he was really good at hypnosis.


beenalongtime3 June 15 2007, 20:22:10 UTC
Carefully, Sirius levitated the suitcase to the ground next to her, stopping to let her pick it up. "D'you like fire?" With a quick glance around to make sure he didn't have a larger audience, he set part of the hedge next to them on fire, extinguishing it with another phrase. "What about dogs? Not most wizards can do this one." He grinned, stuck his wand in between his teeth, and in a second, Padfoot stood in his place. How about that? Convinced now?


ziva_ncis June 15 2007, 20:30:36 UTC
Ziva did like the fire trick. And if this was hypnosis, she couldn't figure out how it was working. And why it was working on her. Supposedly, her Mossad training should at least be covering for her a little bit. And then there was the dog. She looked at it for several seconds, walked around it, and then decided to prove something to herself. She reached out and patted its head. It felt like a dog; it looked like dog. She felt slightly like she was in a Douglas Adams novel. "So how come I've never heard of wizards being real before this?" she asked.


beenalongtime3 June 15 2007, 20:41:30 UTC
I think I'll stay like this. Padfoot sniffed Ziva's hand. A squirrel ran by and he followed it with his eyes. No. She's talking to me. He huffed, scratched an itch, and changed back, talking the wand out of his mouth before answering her. "We're supposed to keep it a secret, but I couldn't care less anymore. Most of us in this strange town have given up, especially because of those books. Not really any need to bother anymore. That, and it's much easier to explain my background."


ziva_ncis June 15 2007, 20:48:56 UTC
This whole secret thing made Ziva feel just slightly skeptical. Her world was built on secrets, but that also meant that she knew secrets came out. Especially if enough people knew about them. "So how many 'wizards' are there?" Not the best question in this situation, but it did make some sense. She didn't need to explain that, depending on how many there actually were, there was no way that magic could stay a secret. Not without a very, very good police force. Or assassins.


beenalongtime3 June 17 2007, 05:54:03 UTC
Sirius shrugged. "We're scattered all around the world, really. The secret doesn't get out because of our lovely government, the Ministry of Magic. They're quick to cast whatever charms they need to if they witness non-wizarding people finding out about magic." He began walking again, crossing the street that bordered the park. "Fortunately, they're so busy following orders from rich, high society pricks and writing up the latest werewolf registration bills that they haven't noticed anything going on over here."


ziva_ncis June 18 2007, 12:16:41 UTC
"Oh." Ziva looked up and down the street automatically, then back at Sirius. "That seems very...centralized." So now it sounded like she weas going to have to keep an eye out for these "Ministry of Magic" people. She added that to the list of government organizations that might want to kill her at any given time. Then she got around to the werewolf bit. "Are you a werewolf?" She tried to remember what she knew about werewolves. Most of it came from bad movies.


beenalongtime3 June 19 2007, 22:19:32 UTC
"No, I'm not." He wondered how he should phrase what he was about to say. Boyfriend? Flat mate? 'Life partner'? Bollocks. "A longtime friend of mine is, though. Remus, if you'd recognize his name from the books. The Ministry has a history of being prejudice against werewolves, among other various factions of the wizarding population and, well, all non-wizarding people. I'll admit that I'm a bit biased, though, as they imprisoned me without a trial and then hunted me for a good three years after I escaped."


ziva_ncis June 20 2007, 11:47:46 UTC
"Oh." Ziva wasn't sure what else to say to that. She was still stuck on how something that sounded a lot like a conspiracy, even if there might actually be some substance to it (well, all right, there had to be substance--she'd apparently just seen some magic), had been kept a secret from everyone. Unless, of course, no one had ever told her about it. But Sirius seemed to think that no one knew. At any rate, it sounded like magic wasn't all fun and games. More like an oligarchy, or something.


beenalongtime3 June 25 2007, 19:26:14 UTC
Sirius laughed at her reaction. "Sorry. I really didn't mean to shock you with all of this madness your first couple hours here." I'm not exactly an ace candidate for anyone's welcoming party. If we talk any more about me I'll scare her back onto the bus. "So what brings you to Aternaville?"


ziva_ncis June 28 2007, 23:26:38 UTC
"I needed a change of scenery." Like hell I did. She smiled at him. "I travel a lot." Which didn't really explain anything. "Canada is sort of new for me." She didn't mind lying to him. In the great scheme of things, this was mostly true, anyway. Well, compared to other lies she'd told.


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