“I am in a story. Hurrah, I am in a story, Nibs.” [Complete]

Jan 04, 2007 04:14

Location: Everywhere! All over Aternaville! But starts out in John's bathroom. Nekkid. *grins*
Time: I suppose it begins on Thursday, the 4th of January, the 5th being John's 40th. The scene below takes place first thing in the morning, about 8am (so I don't know why Rodney's so chipper), and then the thread will move from there
Characters: ( Read more... )

ianto jones, remus lupin, the doctor, rupert eustace psmith, bart allen, severus snape, john sheppard, rose tyler, lulu spencer, philip marlowe, peter caine, harry potter, simon tam, sirius black, completed, rodney mckay, river tam, xander harris

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Comments 359

peasmith January 5 2007, 01:14:44 UTC
Psmith had thought he'd woken up, but it was starting to seem that he hadn't; that he was instead in one of those oddly realistic, lucid dreams, like "Through the Looking Glass." Quite a bit like Alice, really, for - although he did not recall having eaten any dodgy biscuits recently, only a bit of Welsh rabbit before turning in (on second thought, perhaps Windsor McKay should have been better-heeded) - he seemed, you see, to have come it several sizes too small ( ... )


peasmith January 5 2007, 01:15:24 UTC
He pulled all the drawers of his bureau out to varying degrees and scaled it like a ladder, which seemed to be an absolutely clever thing to do and also was rather fun, although there was an intimidating moment when it seemed the whole thing might tip over. He gathered up all the staples of proper day dress, tossed them on the bed, thought for a moment, and tossed himself on the bed too, which was another thing which was rather fun. "These, of course, aren't going to fit any better than the pyjamas, so I don't know why I bother, but the attempt must be - what on earth?" The interjection was the result of his discovery that these things were, in fact, going to fit better than the pyjamas. They didn't look any smaller than normal on the bed, but as he pulled, for instance, his shirt over his (ridiculously ragamuffin) head, it began to fit, without seeming to change in size or shape in any way. The entire outfit from socks to suit went the same way. "Ah-ha, subconscious," he crowed, "I have you now. You have left the bounds of ( ... )


jadedpheonix January 5 2007, 04:19:12 UTC
Harry groaned and stretched slowly, his hand smacking Snape in the chest. That was when he realized the first thing that was wrong. His head was completely under the covers, while not an abnormal thing early in the morning it was when he realized he hadn't moved at all the night before. His feet were still hitting the end of the bed and his arm was above his head. He sat up abruptly and realized to much embarrassment that his pajama top was hanging off of him and his pants were bunched up awkwardly ( ... )


jadedpheonix January 5 2007, 04:22:06 UTC
"What the ruddy hell do you expect Black to do? Without perfect Potter to hold his hand, he's useless," Snape spat, the very thought of Potter, Black and Lupin making him angry. Just that week the three of them had locked him in the boys bathroom.
He found himself blinking blankly at Harry, frowning. Where had that come from??

Harry licked his lips in confusion all the while cradling the phone to his ear with both his hands. Someone was talking in his ear and he couldn't tell what it was and the other boy was looking at him like he was a freak and he felt his eyes tear up and his head began to pound. "Siri likes me. He'll help!" Harry protested weakly.


runbartrun January 5 2007, 04:38:13 UTC
Bart had woken up early, done his paper routes, and gone for a jog. He was somewhere in Montana when he found his speed increasing without any effort. It took more effort than usual to slow to a *stop*, and he found himself staring at his suddenly-much-larger feet. His feet have *always* been huge, but recently he was pretty sure that he'd been growing into them, unlike his long limbs.
Still, suddenly they were huge, and his hands were tiny, visibly shrinking. It was *scary* and he wanted, he wanted... well, Mr. Snape would know what to do, Mr. Snape and Harry would take care of him like that last time. Tears streaking down his cheeks, he barrelled towards Aternaville, right through the door of the flat, unable to control his speed or his emotions at *all*, and wrapped himself around Mr. Snape, burying his face into Mr. Snape's stomach. He didn't even notice Harry's crying, Mr. Snape being much smaller as well, anything but that he wanted comfort and *now*


expotionmaster January 5 2007, 04:58:25 UTC
One second he was glaring at Harry, and the next, he had a small person clinging to him, getting snot all over his bare stomach. "Bart?" he asked, not really needing the boy to look up to know it was him.

So, it's not just Harry and myself. He wasn't sure if he found that to be reassuring or more frightening.

The truly horrifying thing was that he was having trouble thinking. His past and present were clawing at his mind, each trying to gain a foothold.

Snape closed his eyes.My name is Severus Snape and I am 40 years old. I am a wizard. He kept chanting that mantra in his head, holding it to him like a talisman. When he opened his eyes again, Bart's head was on shoulder. Either Bart got taller, or he was getting smaller.


cheapie_shamus January 5 2007, 04:34:40 UTC
Marlowe awoke with a start. He'd fallen asleep at the office while going over the Wilson case looking for clues they might have missed. He appraised his surroundings and realized that he'd been awakened by his feet falling off the desk, wich was farther away than he remembered. And bigger. This was odd, to say the least. He rolled the chair back to the desk and opened the top right drawer and pulled out his .45. It was reassuringly heavy in his hand. Too heavy. He looked at it, and saw that his fingers didn't reach all the way around the grip ( ... )


peasmith January 5 2007, 05:04:31 UTC
The Cleverly Small Telephone, being so very cleverly small, was one of the things which had fit into his pockets; he was still on the second-floor landing when its Morse code ringer went off (MA for Marlowe). "Well," he said thoughtfully in response to the question posed, "are you offering one, or do you expect payment?" He turned and climbed back up to the flat, nattering on about gun-rental fees at the firing range and the difficulty of keeping up with various sizes of ammunition as he went, to fill the time. His Webley was in its box in the third bureau drawer, as usual, and proportions being what they were, it was even larger than it generally was. He couldn't push the lever to break it open, even with the phone tucked between ear and shoulder and both hands wrapped around it. "I suppose, if you've a tiny gun handy, a tiny gun would be a handy thing. Are you at the office? Things are looking dashed odd."


cheapie_shamus January 5 2007, 05:17:11 UTC
"Yes, I'm at the office. Fell asleep and woke up 10 years old, it looks like. Come on over and let's try to figure out what the hell's going on. I'd go to you, but I don't think I could reach the pedals in the car."


peasmith January 5 2007, 07:34:25 UTC
"I've a bicycle! I can bring it over, although my speed will depend upon whether or not I can reach the pedals." They hung up and Psmith headed back out to the stairs.


lulu8889 January 5 2007, 06:21:08 UTC
Lulu woke up by her alarm and reached over to hit the snooze, but didn't reach it. She sat up, disconcerted. She reached over and noticed her formerly short sleeve shirt was down to her fingertips. She frowned, pulling the sleeve up and widened her eyes ( ... )


lulu8889 January 5 2007, 06:44:03 UTC
Lulu walked outside yet once she was outside she had no clue what to do. She was standing outside, nearly in tears, when she realized that she could call Psmith. Excitedly, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Psmith's number waiting for him to answer once it started ringing.


peasmith January 6 2007, 09:03:22 UTC
Psmith had never gotten away with sliding down banisters in his far-off youth; his nurse had fussed about the danger and his sister had fussed about his having any fun, and so the slightest attempt at scaling a railing had been headed off. He was not sorry to have finally done it, but it wasn't really so amazingly fun as he'd always thought it would be; he'd had a sticky moment when he thought it rather likely he'd be pitched off head-first, and although he fancied himself unflappable, he'd nevertheless found himself slightly flapped by it. Alas that our mortal ventures so rarely live up to our dreams.

Of course, sliding down banisters does have the great advantage of being far swifter than careful climbing, so he had some waiting to do. (The idea of Jones not following him down had not even crossed his mind.) Luckily, the 'phone rang - Lulu this time - and so he had not time to grow impatient. "Good morning," he said in a cheerful voice.


lulu8889 January 6 2007, 17:23:49 UTC
Lulu was relieved when the phone was answered, then disconcerted by the unfamiliar voice. "Psmith? Is that you?" she asked. "Where are you, cause I'm outside and everything seems so much bigger."


genius_am_i January 5 2007, 08:03:01 UTC
Rodney felt a popping sensation in his ears and was struck by a sudden wave of dizziness. He wrenched control of the body away from Sheppard and lurched painfully into the wall before the darkness passed. The world was still a little blurry so he reached up to rub his eyes and then tottered as his sense of balance deserted him. And then he nearly fell over when he heard John's voice, high pitched and prepubescent, but still with a drawl, abet a quavering one. His eyes flew open and there was Sheppard, weirdly proportioned and in child form, looking just as old as he sounded. Rodney was about to open his mouth and say something when he realized he was looking at Sheppard. Looking at him, from afar, from another perspective... from another body. He looked down and saw feet, tiny against the size of the bathroom tile floor, and soft and hairless belly and legs. Not to mention he was completely naked. He looked back at Sheppard and opened his mouth to say something rational, reasoned, and authoritative, and instead a loud shrieking wail ( ... )


sga1sheppard January 6 2007, 02:00:21 UTC
There were a lot of things about this situation that John had to think hard to wrap his mind around. First, there was the fact that there was a scrunchy-faced, blond-curled little boy standing in front of him. Then there was the fact that there was a scrunchy-faced, blond-curled little boy standing in front of him.

"Uh, Rodney?" The little boy wailed.

"McKay!" he tried. No good.

He started to say the other name, but at the sight of Rodney's expression, he trailed off. Rodney's eyes, always big and impossibly blue, were even bigger in his six-year-old face, edged by the longest and softest eyelashes John had ever seen. Combined with the curls and the round face (and the knowledge that even adult Rodney could throw a formidable tantrum), they were a force to be reckoned with. Rodney was...cute.

Still, that didn't stop John from poking Rodney in the shoulder with a disorientingly small hand. "Buck up, Rodney."


genius_am_i January 11 2007, 02:06:07 UTC
Rodney slapped John's hand away and poked him back.

"I have a body! Where there was nothing! And the bathroom counter is almost taller than I am and I am completely naked! So you can shut up!" he yelled at John.

He took a deep breath to continue yelling and stopped. "Wait... are you older?" He squinted at John sizing him up. "Oh my god you are!" he screeched and poked John again. "This is so not fair!"


sga1sheppard January 12 2007, 12:57:44 UTC
"I'm always older," John shot back. "And you wouldn't stop going on about it when we were...big." He squirmed away from the poking and the loud, high-pitched sound in his ear.

He looked hard at Rodney. And then his palm made sharp contact with the back of Rodney's head.

Rodney cringed down, and it was just like he was really himself; John could see the echo of the man he would be in another thirty years, the man that he was, now. "Ow! What did you do that for?"

"I told you not to come after me if anything happened." He pointed a quivering finger at Rodney. "This," he continued, actually referring to everything else, to their all thinking Rodney was dead, to his getting stuck in John's head, to the uncertainty still of whether he would ever get back to normal, "is your fault ( ... )


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