(no subject)

Oct 31, 2008 16:42

Who: Hopefully the whole TOWN!
What: Epic Halloween Party
When: 7:00 PM Friday October 31, 2008
Where: Lulu/Moira/Clarice abode
Rating: PG-13 to be safe?
Status: Open and incomplete.

OOC: Alright everyone, quick note before posting.  If you're entering the thread, for sanity, please post as a new comment.  It would also be fantastic if you could right the entry time in the title, but if not that's swell, too.  I expect tons of email notifications. :)

Lulu was thrilled.  Halloween was by far her favorite holiday.  Well, maybe tied with Christmas, but it was awfully close.  She'd been baking and setting up the house all day.  By the time she'd put the finishing touches on the decorations, it was time to get ready.  The house was all decked out in Halloween gear, complete with banners, signs, fake cobwebs, an apple bob.  Anything related to Halloween you could think of?  It was probably there.

Lulu got into her costume ( http://lulu8889.livejournal.com/15543.html ) with her long blonde hair lying in waves going down her back.  Excitedly, she knocked on Moira's door.

The witch was reluctantly getting ready.  She'd gotten into the costume Lulu had picked out for her (http://moirabyrne.livejournal.com/6337.html#cutid1) and even put the knee sock on her good leg.  The costume wasn't nearly as slutty as she thought Lulu was going to get her, but it still left a good six or seven inches at least between the tall girl's knee sock and the bottom of the skirt, due to her extreme height.  She was contemplating how smart of an idea it was to put the heeled shoe on when Lulu knocked.  "Come in!"

Lulu entered with all the grace of a princess, but none of the refinement.  She was almost bouncing, that's how excitable the shorter girl was.  "Moira you look fantastic!" she said, as she picked up the hat and on tip-toes placed in on the girl.

Moira raised an eyebrow.  "A princess?  Why am I not surprised."

"Sleeping Beauty!" Lulu exclaimed, grabbing the shoe and heading to put it on Moira's foot.

"Lulu, me and heels..." Moira started.

"Trust me," Lulu grinned, mischievously.  She had already half concocted a scheme wherein she nudged Moira to fall into a certain boy's arms.  If she were wearing the heels it would be that much easier.

Moira rolled her eyes and led the way to the downstairs, magically spelling the top of the house from anyone other than her, Lulu, Clarice, or Teddy.  If anyone else attempted to get upstairs they'd be met with a very resistant invisible wall.  She'd change the people allowed in if need be.

The two of them arrived downstairs, Lulu fussing with the baked goods and Moira fiddling with the radio when seven o'clock came around.

clarice ferguson, ianto jones, buffy summers, harry potter, severus snape, edward pellew, zak adama, jack harkness, the master, dean winchester, seeley booth, toshiko sato, denny crane, chloe sullivan, william 'husker' adama, rupert psmith, reginald l. theophilus iii, sam winchester, the doctor, lily potter, *status-complete, lee 'apollo' adama, maxie jones, sirius black, neil perry, barney stinson, laura roslin, !party, lorne, teddy lupin, alice liddell, integra hellsing, rose tyler, lulu spencer, margaret 'hot lips' houlihan, owen harper, moira byrne

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