The world is a mess, and I just have to rule it.

Oct 28, 2008 12:12

When: October 28, afternoon
Where: The library
Who: Owen & Billy
What: Joyous post-earthquake reunion! No, really!
Rating: PG?

Things to do. Too much to do.

Dr. Horrible had been able to get online from Tex's purloined house. Whose it had been before she claimed it, he didn't particularly care; he had the space and the resources there to take care of business, and that was good enough for him for now. And he had a housemate, which was a bit weird, but Tex wasn't bad as housemates went. She did her thing and let him do his. Which had so far included getting in touch with Moist, checking on his operations in Los Angeles, arranging to have several new lab coats and pairs of pants, boots, and gloves sent, and a new pair of goggles. Two, so he'd have a backup.

He'd also ordered all the equipment and supplies he needed to start rebuilding his lab, though he still hadn't decided whether he'd bother trying to set something up here or look elsewhere. Even if the previous owner, one Mr. Ianto Jones, didn't bother to reclaim his home, Dr. Horrible didn't exactly see this arrangement lasting for very long. But it suited for now.

Today marked the first time he'd been out since leaving the clinic. He still tired easily and the broken ribs bothered him more than he cared to admit, for all he was careful about keeping them wrapped. He didn't care to advertise his weakness by limping around town. But there were some things he needed, and he knew better than to ask Tex to pick them up for him, knowing she kept an internal tally of favors owed and not wanting to let his perceived debt get any higher. So he headed out, a baggy sweatshirt thrown over his long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, thankful that Billy already tended to slouch, so his hunched posture wouldn't attract notice. The limp - well, with the earthquake having left people staggering around town on crutches, what was a limp?

Maybe he should get a coat, while he was out. Somewhere along the line it had turned awfully chilly out for someone who'd lived three and a half decades in sunny LA.

So Billy found himself in the library, avoiding the places where volunteers were working hard to repair the stacks and instead seating himself at one of the computer terminals. Just from that short walk, he was winded, his side aching with every breath. One hand pressed lightly over the spot as he waited for the pain to recede, he used the other to call up the library's system, running a search to see what they had of Piers Anthony. If he was going to be stuck spending so much time sitting or lying around, he could at least have something to keep him occupied. There was some evidence that there had been books in his current dwelling, but Tex seemed to have had a problem with them, because the shelves were empty now.

dr. horrible, owen harper, *status-complete

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