Who: The Master and a late npc and open What: Petulance When: Evening Where: Probably around some dumpsters Rating: M for moody Status: Open, incomplete
At first he didn’t feel it and then he didn’t want to admit that he felt it, but the Doctor could sense the other Time Lord, he knew that he was not alone. When the Doctor finally got the chance, he searched for the Master and soon he found him.
He still didn’t want to believe it, even when the Master was right in front of him. He just stopped and looked at the Master sitting there, "impossible." He stepped forward, "then again, this whole place is impossible, but…"
The drums beat faster, and harder, as they always did for the Doctor. The Master deliberately did not make eye contact; indeed he turned aside, hunched over. His hoodie up over his head. Tense inside.
It was like a piece of the vortex had been stretched and pulled tight across his body, anchored to the inside of the top of his skull and to the bottoms of his feet, and he quivered with it, vibrating, pulsating with the beat. So taut he might snap with the strain.
The presence of the Doctor was like a finger running along the string, his voice the hum that set it oscillating on a sympathetic frequency.
It was unbearable, it demanded to destroy him, or to be relieved. "Go away," he muttered, eyes fixed on the streetlight shining like a hazy beacon down the alley--even as the world teetered around it, around the taut line.
"Like I could." He wished he could, he really did, but he could never walk away from the Master. A part of him was glad to see him, but another wasn't. Who knew what the Master would do here, at the same time, maybe this was the Doctor's chance to help him.
He stepped forward. "When are you from?" Of course, he was wearing the black hoodie and looked half crazed so the Doctor knew from around, but when exactly during that time.
The Master snorted, still refusing to look at him. "When are you from? I was here first."
He whirled suddenly, furious. "And don't you dare come in here and suddenly own the town and accuse me of things I haven't been doing the entire time you haven't been here!"
Comments 7
He still didn’t want to believe it, even when the Master was right in front of him. He just stopped and looked at the Master sitting there, "impossible." He stepped forward, "then again, this whole place is impossible, but…"
It was like a piece of the vortex had been stretched and pulled tight across his body, anchored to the inside of the top of his skull and to the bottoms of his feet, and he quivered with it, vibrating, pulsating with the beat. So taut he might snap with the strain.
The presence of the Doctor was like a finger running along the string, his voice the hum that set it oscillating on a sympathetic frequency.
It was unbearable, it demanded to destroy him, or to be relieved. "Go away," he muttered, eyes fixed on the streetlight shining like a hazy beacon down the alley--even as the world teetered around it, around the taut line.
He stepped forward. "When are you from?" Of course, he was wearing the black hoodie and looked half crazed so the Doctor knew from around, but when exactly during that time.
He whirled suddenly, furious. "And don't you dare come in here and suddenly own the town and accuse me of things I haven't been doing the entire time you haven't been here!"
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