It's Guy Love....that's what it is....

May 21, 2010 23:22

Who: Wesley and Open!
What: Wandering and thinking
Where: Around town
When: After school
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete
Maybe worrying came so easily because he was the son of a doctor. )

wesley crusher, lulu spencer

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lulu8889 May 22 2010, 03:29:39 UTC
Lulu wasn't sure if she was a masochist or what. However, she couldn't help but frequent Teaspoons, regardless of if Ianto were there. And yes, Ianto was once again, not in town. The blonde was sitting at a table drinking a coffee which was (if she was entirely honest with herself) not as good as when Ianto was around. "Hey Wes," she called as she saw a familiar face enter the shop.


lulu8889 June 3 2010, 00:28:34 UTC
Lulu bit her lip. Wesley was being so sincere "I mean. I can go home. I'm one of the few who came here intentionally and I can go home. I mean, I have before, to visit. I sort of ran away when I was sixteen? Almost three years ago." She thought most people around here knew that, but it made sense that they didn't. She turned from the new girl who ran away and was from the right time into the girl who had been there longest.


shut_up_wesley June 3 2010, 19:09:11 UTC
"Oh, right, I forgot." It was easy to think that most people in town were stuck like he was. "Well then why not take a little time, go home, see what happens? Maybe things have changed, and this last bout of the town messing with you was a way of telling you it's time to go home? You can't run away forever."

Funny words coming from him, all things considered. He had more reasons for going with The Traveler than just the chance to see the universe, after all.


lulu8889 June 3 2010, 21:39:16 UTC
She shrugged. "It's different there now, though. I'm just...I wouldn't want to leave Neil, even though lots of people have gone, my best friends are still here." For the most part at least. "And I'm not sure what I'd be stepping back into. My town's a little bit ridiculous. I guess I'm scared to leave." Lulu rarely admitted when she was scared of things, and quite frankly, she rarely was scared of things. This, however. This scared her a lot. Aternaville had changed her more than a little bit. It wasn't like a kid coming back from college, she'd built a whole life here.


shut_up_wesley June 3 2010, 23:00:19 UTC
Wesley nodded. There was always that fear that once you were gone, something else would happen, someone would leave, and that would be that. It was how the town worked.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, it seems like there's a bit of time between major events, so if you went now...but, I mean if you don't want to, I understand..." He finished his tea and poured another. "Besides, it can't be any more ridiculous than here."


lulu8889 June 3 2010, 23:27:20 UTC
She smiled wryly. "Ridiculous in a different sort of way. Family drama, mob drama, a lot of insanity. My brothers aren't talking again. It's just totally nuts."


shut_up_wesley June 3 2010, 23:59:32 UTC
Wes shook his head. He couldn't imagine having such a strange family--although the Enterprise played host to it's own set of family dramas--like Councilor Troi's...

"Every time you describe your family, it reminds me of the ship's councilor where I was stationed. She had an...interesting family. Her mother especially. I guess if the saying is that your upbringing helps determines your career choice, then it's no surprise she ended up doing what she did." he mimicked her wry smile. "I guess you could always consider it a change pace?"


lulu8889 June 4 2010, 00:07:00 UTC
"I don't know if it could really rival my family's but I don't doubt that it could have." She shrugged. "Maybe. I'll call Lucky, see what's going on there. I don't know, summers in Port Charles are crazier than here."


shut_up_wesley June 4 2010, 01:15:45 UTC
"When you're a part of an alien race that essentially goes through reverse menopause for at least ten years straight things can get a little...tense. Especially if one day your own mother decides to show up, flirt with every male on a ship with the population of a very small city, and decide in the end to marry your on-again-off-again boyfriend. Under protest from every party involved, particularly the would-be groom." And that had been the first time he'd met Luxwana Troi. "Oh, and the entire wedding party would have to be naked for the duration of the ceremony." Wes added, having remembered his mother's rather epic rant at the end of the entire ordeal. And Beverly Crusher wasn't one who frazzled easily.

"That sounds like a good idea, test the water before you go diving in." He shrugged, "It couldn't hurt to try, at least."


lulu8889 June 4 2010, 01:26:07 UTC
Lulu laughed. "That sounds slightly more alien but completely similar to Port Charles." Definitely like Port Charles. "Add some guns and a mob war and it could be something from home." She nodded. "Yeah, something like that. Lucky would tell me if it were totally bizarre there." And she hadn't seen her nephews for quite some time.


shut_up_wesley June 4 2010, 01:44:21 UTC
"She was kidnapped once too, if that counts." Wes said with a smirk, "I can't complain too badly about that though, it earned me a field promotion to ensign when I rescued her, the councilor and Commander Riker." Funny how those things work out. "Lucky and Lulu, is he a brother?" He asked, offering Lulu a little more coffee.


lulu8889 June 4 2010, 01:51:54 UTC
"Me, too. And my brother, by my half-brother's grandmother and she tried to turn him against everyone Spencer. Like I said. Craziness." She grinned. Field promotions sounded like a good thing. "Yeah. Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Jr. Lucky. And then I'm Lulu." She didn't tell most people her full name. Lesley Lu. Ugh. Of the people in the town, perhaps Neil, Moira, and Clarice knew. "Then I've a half brother on my mom's side, Nikolas, who's a Grecian prince, no lie, and a half-brother on my dad's side, Ethan, who grew up in Australia."


shut_up_wesley June 4 2010, 02:00:38 UTC
"You were kidnapped?" Wes asked flat, shock evident in his features. "That' You know, I take it back, Dok's not the only one who would fit right in in my era, there just might be a place for you in the 24th century yet, Lulu." Perhaps Dok's teasing nature was rubbing off on him a little that he could come up with something like that off the cuff.

"That's a lot of family to keep track of." It sounded a little like trying to follow the often convoluted lineage of anyone on the Klingon High council. "Couldn't you just visit the ones you get along with?"


lulu8889 June 4 2010, 02:12:07 UTC
"A few times there. Once here. Stupid cat mafia." She said it with a tinge of familiarity. It wasn't that Lulu missed the cat mafia per se, it was more that she missed the action surrounding it. The people surrounding it even more. "Ha. Thanks. It's not that many. I mean, most family lines in Port Charles are kind of crazy. Just three brothers, three nephews, a mom, a dad and a stepmom." And Elizabeth, the Quartermaines, the insanity that was the Cassadines, Aunt Bobby, Carly and her boys...Okay, maybe her family line was a little crazy. "I tend to get along with most of them. It's just a lot of family drama."


shut_up_wesley June 4 2010, 02:28:21 UTC
An eyebrow quirked. "Cat...mafia?" It seemed that every time Wes thought he had this town figured out, he learned something new. "That sounds like the title of a really weird holo-novel."

And, yes, exactly like trying to follow a Klingon family line, Wes decided. "Enough that's not even worth one little visit? Or is that by visiting you risk getting caught up again?"


lulu8889 June 4 2010, 02:35:52 UTC
She nodded. "Cat mafia here. We rescued a kitten, she's mine now." Used to belong to Psmith, but she kept her after Psmith disappeared. "Holo-novel?" That sounded interesting...

"It's more of the latter than the former. I have been back, I was a few months ago, but I don't know."


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