
Mar 22, 2010 04:36

Who: Lily and James Potter
What: seeing her HUSBAND
When: After his journal entry
Where: The hotel.
Rating: O for OMG.

After all this time... )

james potter, lily potter

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prongsy_potter March 23 2010, 21:58:17 UTC
James was still really confused about what was going on. Last thing he remembered, he'd been out getting a drink with Sirius after Auror training then he'd gone home and gone straight to bed, next to his wife. Yet, when he woke up, he was in some strange hotel room, in Canada, of all places and the newspaper on the desk said it was 2010; thirty years after he'd gone to bed.

He knew that time travel was possible, but only with a Time Turner and, he might have owned an Invisibility Cloak, not to mention a pretty spiffing map at one point, but he certainly didn't own a Time Turner.

The only comfort was that Lily seemed to be there too, just not with him, but that would be remedeed soon cause she was on her way.

At the knock at the door, James jumped up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled the door open, "Li..." Her name died on his lips as he took in her appearence, which was quite different from how it had been only yesterday, "...Lily?"


prongsy_potter March 25 2010, 22:47:36 UTC
"What? The Prophecy was about....our son?" James asked, staring at Lily as she continued filling him in on the events that would take place, "We make Sirius our Secret Keeper, right?" Well who else would they make their Secret Keeper? Sirius was his best mate after all.


lpotter March 25 2010, 22:58:16 UTC
She nodded. Funny thing about prophecies was that until someone took them seriously, they were just words. Lily bloody hated divination, the imprecision of the entire field, and it didn't help much that the Prophecy was the beginning of everyone's issues, thanks to Severus and Voldemort. "We did, at first. Dumbledore wanted to do it, but of course we made it Sirius. Then, Sirius was worried. He thought it was obvious to everyone that he was the secret keeper and we were concerned about a mole..." Lily looked down. "So we changed it to Peter without telling anyone. Only you, Sirius, Peter and I knew about it." Her eyes were looking directly at James' feet, not certain whether to be more angry or upset at what had happened. Depending on when you asked her, she wavered between the two.


prongsy_potter March 25 2010, 23:55:41 UTC
James frowned slightly as he listened to Lily, "Peter? Whose idea was that?" Peter had always been crap at keeping secrets and he didn't think that within a year, he'd get any better.


lpotter March 26 2010, 01:35:39 UTC
"Sirius," she answered, shaking her head slightly. "He thought no one would suspect we have Peter as our Secret Keeper." In retrospect it was probably the worst idea they'd had, listening to him. He wouldn't have told, even under severe torture. "It...wasn't the best time to have listened to him."


prongsy_potter March 26 2010, 02:17:30 UTC
"I should have known. So what, Voldemort found out where we were? Did we have to find a new place to hide? Please tell me we picked a better Secret Keeper the second time." The last thing James thought was that they could have been killed.


lpotter March 26 2010, 02:34:18 UTC
"James," she started, reaching out to place her hand on his knee. "We...we didn't have a second time. Voldemort found us and...we didn't make it."


prongsy_potter March 26 2010, 02:38:13 UTC
James stared at her, not sure that he'd heard her correctly. Hadn't made it? But that wasn't possible. "What do you mean we didn't make it?"


lpotter March 26 2010, 02:58:22 UTC
No one had made Lily relive that night aloud. Most people she knew were from after her. This was heart-wrenching. "I...he found us. He found us because Peter told him. He wasn't tor-" Lily paused, her breath catching. Lily took a second to compose herself before standing up and sitting next to James on the bed. She looked at him, her words sure and quite. "Peter just told him. And we weren't prepared enough to run. You gave me Harry and told me to go while you held him off."

Lily was silent, not wanting to go on, but knowing she needed to. "He killed you, James. He gave me a choice, let him have Harry and he'd let me go. I couldn't." Lily never once regretted that choice. "He killed me and apparently that's what saved Harry's life. After he used Avada Kedavra, I opened my eyes and woke up here, a year and a half ago."


prongsy_potter March 26 2010, 03:31:37 UTC
Anger filled James at the thought that Peter, someone he had thought was his friend, had just told Voldemort where they were.

As Lily finished, James frowned, trying to comprehend exactly what she had just told him. She'd been there for a year and a half? She was dead? Or was she? Was he dead? He couldn't be, he came from before her. None of this made any sense at all.


lpotter March 26 2010, 03:43:53 UTC
She looked at him. Was it too much too soon? It was a lot to take in, and she wasn't sure how much he believed her. "James?" she asked quietly. "Are...you okay?"


prongsy_potter March 26 2010, 03:53:09 UTC
James brought a hand up to scratch at the back of his head then adjusted his glasses as all the information sank in, "It's just....it's alot."

One would think that a guy who had a best friend who was a Werewolf and could turn into a stag at will wouldn't need that much time to comprehend something like this, but they'd be wrong.


lpotter March 26 2010, 04:19:17 UTC
Lily nodded, wondering if she should've eased into it more. "I don't know how we got here, James. People show up in this place from different times, from different points in their lives. From when they were dead." She paused. There were so many different versions of Remus. Sirius only recently disappeared. She didn't know if James needed to hear that now, or what came of the two of them. "I just...all I know is that I'm happy you're here."


prongsy_potter March 29 2010, 03:07:27 UTC
James ran a hand through his hair, scratching the back of his head as the information continued to sink in, "So you're twenty three?" That seemed to be the strangest part of this whole thing. Lily was older than him and technically dead.

"And what have tou been doing since? Are you here alone?" He asked, adjusting his glasses again.


lpotter March 29 2010, 03:34:15 UTC
She nodded. "Twenty-three. I don't think I like being that much older than you." Lily already was a few months, but it was barely anything in the long run. Three years was a lot more than two months.

"I've er. Gotten to know people. A few, anyhow. Most everyone I knew disappeared." She looked down, not sure if he needed to know everything just yet. "Sirius and Remus were here, but they've been gone for some time now. I'm alone in this house which is entirely too large for me. I've...mostly I've tried to get to know Harry. He's here." Lily's face lit up. "He's older than I am, but blimey, James, he's positively brilliant."


prongsy_potter March 29 2010, 03:37:59 UTC
As he listened to Lily, James' eyes widened; he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sirius and Remus had been there? Harry was there? Harry his son! "H...Harry is here? Bloody hell..."


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