Voices in the Shadows.

May 09, 2009 22:52

Who: The Lone Power/Adam, Dairine, and Toshiko.
What: Adam's mobile has been...acting up.
When: Evening.
Where: The library.
Rating: P for perplexity.
Status: Complete.

"Adam, you know this is classified information. You can't go talking to strangers--civilians! foreigners! people you don't know!--about this! You'll be violating the Official Secrets Act, not to mention putting yourself, them, and potentially a lot of other people in danger. Adam. Adam!"

Adam Carter hurried towards the library, trying to ignore the voice in his ear. He would have pulled out the earpiece and put it in his pocket, but he had learned from experience that doing so would only make it worse: the mobile would go to speakerphone, blasting loud and embarrassing noises until he held it to his ear. The bluetooth had been a clever compromise, but with his headaches not at all going away, having to listen to a constant tirade was...less than ideal.

So Adam had decided to return to the library for help.

He pushed briskly through the door and strode inside, scanning the space for the girl he had met here before. When he caught sight of her, he went over to her.

"Dairine," he said as all the greeting and preamble she was going to get. "My mobile has been talking to me."

the power/adam carter, toshiko sato, dairine callahan, *status-complete

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