
Apr 21, 2009 11:33

Who: Dairine
What/When: After the fiasco in Richie's and her own journal with Harry/Moira
Where: The Park
Status/Rating: Complete. G.

Dairine stared at her computer screen for a long moment, fingers shaking on the white keys. Spot made a deeply personal noise in the back of her mind, asking if she was alright. Dairine closed her eyes. Yeah.

They upset you.

Dairine considered lying to him, brushing it off with a "no way," but lying was dangerous territory for a wizard. The Speech describes all things as they are -- it had the power to change them. If you lied, in the Speech especially, you could end up changing yourself, rewriting your own name. And then you wouldn't be you anymore, because plugging a version of your name into spell that wasn't truly you...? Dairine shuddered. The results were unthinkable.


I'm sorry. Dairine looked down and smiled a little at the computer. Spot was weirdly human some days, his cultured tone a comfort in her thoughts. A buzzing sensation tasting oddly of chocolate chip ice cream. He hopped off her lap and wandered along the park sidewalk. Am I able to assist?

She thought, face scrunched up in that irritated way. Obviously, Dair couldn't go offensive just because they hurt her feelings (though batrachotropsy sounded pretty good...of course then she'd have to deal with a couple of frogs). But she could go about this in a far more wizardly way. A smile glimmering on her lips, Dair leaned down and picked him up again, settling Spot comfortably in her lap before flipping open the screen. This town's connected. I can taste the Wi-fi. It tasted sort of like strawberries -- but the kind that were just a little too tangy. I want to talk to their computers.

Darine's specialty was machines just as her big sister's was living things. Where Nita could talk a lawn's worth of crabgrass into packing up and moving into the neighbors yard, Dairine could convince a computer that it was more than just a computer. That was one of the reasons technology in wizards' homes tended to be a little bit...off. She wasn't going to give Moira's or Harry's computers viruses, nothing like that. But that didn't mean she couldn't talk them into working a little...differently.

Spot made a noise of affirmation and Dairine got the impression that he was scanning the channels for a direct uplink between the computers. Moira Byrne. IP address Processor speed: 2GHz. System Bus: 800MHz. RAM: 3GB PC6400 DDR2 SDRAM.

Hard drive?

SATA (5400 rpm)

Dairine nodded. The uplink complete, she could distinctly feel the computer's presence on the other line. Carefully, she prepared her mind for the Speech. It took a moment to slip into the language, but once there, it was as familiar as English had been.

Hey there, Sata.
Processor unidentifiable.
Yeah, I get that a lot. He's a wizard computer. Speaking of which...I'd like to ask you something.
State nature of query. Matters pertaining to my User?

Dairine blinked -- she was unused to having normal computers be so...smart. At least not so intuitive. Maybe Moira's brand of magic(k) had an influence on it. Dairine spent the next hour and a half talking to Sata, discovering facts about it, about Moira, about Moira's world. And it didn't make her any happier. Stretching her arms over her head, Dair noticed that it was starting to rain. She looked back at the screen.

Thanks Sata.
You're welcome Darrn. (Dairine smiled. It still couldn't quite pronounce her name. Computers had that problem.) Please tell your processor his chip-structure is aesthetically conducive to proper function.

She nearly blushed, bursting out laughing. Spot was being flirted with -- AGAIN. Not to mention, Sata sounded a bit smarter than it had before, but that was to be expected. Dairine's smile turned mischievous and as an afterthought, she sent a code through the uplink.

Sata. Connect frequency +/- 4.56734.75398.45. Transmit code 4^75. Authorization 385.

Moira was going to have some very interesting alien television programs when she got back...

dairine callahan, *status-complete

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