It picks up Feelings

Feb 05, 2009 02:27

Who: Owen and Ianto. Closed-ish?
What: Owen kidnaps Ianto.
When: Feb. 05 mid-afternoon
Where: Ianto's flat. Then...somewhere?

It was usually the way all great adventures began. The knight in mysteriously shining armor came to sweep away the young, innocent lad into a world of magic and mystery. Together they'd fight dragons and possibly a warlock. Maybe, in a flight of daring heroics, rescue a princess or two. (The dashing warrior would get the more attractive one, of course.) At the end, they could even toss some magical ring into a fiery chasm and they'd all live happily ever --

Hold on.

Now there were several things wrong with this picture:

Firstly. Despite Owen's glowing physique, he was hardly a knight.
Secondly. Ianto was not innocent. By any definition of the word.
Thirdly. If he was going to fight anything, it most certainly was not going to be a warlock. Everyone knew they were just pussies that didn't have the balls to be wizards.

It seemed that childhood jarred some awkward memories of various science fiction and fantasy novels. Owen shuddered to think of how many he'd read back then. And just how much blackmail information Ianto had on him.

Still. Owen the Not-Quite-Knightly stood on Ianto's doorstep, knocking on the door and dressed for adventure. There'd be no surprise spelunking tonight, but if they were lucky, an equally exciting opportunity might present itself.

And there was the matter of Chloe. Worrisome.

He had to ask.

ianto jones, owen harper, *status-complete

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