
Jan 24, 2009 01:52

Who: Harry and Lily
What: Munching on PB&Js and talking a bit. Here's hoping they actually talk about something relevant for once XD
When: Lunch time
Where: The emo house of spectacular upset.
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Teddy made the sandwiches )

*status-in progress, !closed, lily potter, harry potter

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lpotter January 29 2009, 05:46:46 UTC
She raised an eyebrow. Did she love Lee? She certainly liked him an awful lot. Fancied him. Enjoyed being around him. Loved kissing him. But did she love him? "I'm not sure," Lily answered honestly. "There are very few people in this world that I can say that I definitively love. It's hard to say yet. I think that I could, though."

She thought for a moment before asking a question of her own. She didn't want it to be taken the wrong way, but...she asked regardless. "Do you love Severus?"


lpotter January 29 2009, 06:55:16 UTC
Lily shuddered. That made sense as to why he'd come back. Why Harry had to deal with him. The idea of someone, particularly Voldemort, being immortal was horrifying. Not something she wanted to think about, ever if possible.

Regulus? Really? Lily's face was blank, but she wasn't sure she liked the direction the story was heading. But she wanted to know. More than anything, she wanted to know what her son had been through.


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 07:03:20 UTC
"I didn't want to die." Pain colored each word as they left Harry. The phrase hung in the air between them, until Harry moved forward with the story. He had to get it all out now, before he messed up and cut corners.

"That night was awful. Everyone would have died if I hadn't..." Harry gritted his teeth. "Snape died before I did." There, this he could almost talk about without feeling nauseous and dizzy. "He had to. I wouldn't have known to otherwise." Harry's gaze riveted to the floor. "In the Shrieking Shack. He was Headmaster that year. Saved me twice at the very least from his position there, without me even knowing it. He brought me Gryffindor's sword. Threw it in a bloody frozen pond, the bastard."


lpotter January 29 2009, 07:09:46 UTC
Keeping her eyes on Harry, Lily stayed silent. She needed to hear this. As hard as it was for the both of them, this needed to be said. After finally gathering herself to speak, she didn't know what to say. She just breathed in, listening to the story. Severus was Headmaster. He saved Harry. Gryffindor's sword. She wasn't focusing on the fact that Harry'd said he died. That part of the story had made her heart wrench.


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 07:16:15 UTC
"It's so stupid sounding now." Harry scrubbed his face with one hand and exhaled through his fingers. "I'm still not sure I believe him when he tells me he survived it. Voldemort had this snake, sort of his familiar, well, it had part of his soul in there as well, but he kept her close. Nagini. Apparently, I don't really know how it happened, but Voldemort suspected Snape of being a traitor and set her on him. Mum, it took all of five seconds and he was on the ground and there was just..." Snape had always been pale, likely always would, but he'd been ghastly. His face white as any corpse Harry'd seen before then. "I couldn't get him to stop bleeding. He gave up his memories for me to see. He loves you, you know."

There. It was worth saying that to see if she believed him, because Harry hadn't been able to at first. Only on the third time walking through Snape's memories had he truly believed it.


lpotter January 29 2009, 07:19:42 UTC
Lily had not known this part of the story. At the last sentence, Lily was struck. "He used to. A long time ago," she said quietly. Why else would he have begged Voldemort? They'd been such good friends when they were younger. If things had turned out differently...Lily didn't think that often.


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 07:33:36 UTC
"No. Now, he still does." Harry's lips twitched. "Right up until he 'died'." That had been the easy part. "Dumbledore had told him I was a Horcrux. That one day I'd have to die and...Dumbledore left me this gift after he died, I never really could figure out what it was. It was a snitch, but it was heavy and I couldn't get it to open. Turns out I wasn't meant to until I needed it to. He'd given me a resurrection stone." Harry lifted his head off his mother's shoulder so he was looking at her. "I called my family to me." He was looking more pointedly at her now. "You, Dad, Remus and Sirius, you all held my hand as best you could as I walked into the forest where Voldemort was waiting. You told me it wouldn't hurt." He said the last part so softly it was a nearly indecipherable whisper.


lpotter January 29 2009, 07:40:55 UTC
She'd tried to hold back her tears as much as she could, having completely barred them from entering into the situation. But this was entirely too much. It wasn't uncontrollable weeping, but Lily was decidedly in tears. She looked at Harry. Walking in a forest. Telling him it wouldn't hurt. She closed her eyes. They felt as if they were almost real. Lily could have sworn that she'd dreamed something to that effect at least once since she'd gotten here. Having decided early on that her sleeping problems were due to guilt and residual stress, she didn't delve into her dreams. Divination wasn't something she thought of often. Lily opened her eyes. "I feel like I almost remember the last part," she whispered evenly, despite the tears still flowing from her eyes.


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 07:44:55 UTC
"I was only dead a few minutes." Maybe not even that. All he could remember was Dumbledore talking with him and then waking up to Narcissa Malfoy expressing the most intense fear he'd ever seen.

He couldn't really look at his mum anymore. He settled back against her, hoping to get comfort himself as much as he wanted to make her stop crying. It hadn't been his intent.

"I did kill Voldemort, in the end, using Expelliarmus." A small smile curved Harry's lips. His Hogwarts years had been nothing fun to remember, but there were some quirky moments, that almost made it bearable to think about. "Weirdly, that was the first spell I'd ever seen Snape use."

Yes, he could remember his initial purpose in this story.


lpotter January 29 2009, 07:47:32 UTC
Lily wiped her eyes absently, giving Harry a hug and a kiss on the top of his head. She wasn't sure if it was more for his benefit or hers.

"Expelliarmus?" She cracked a smile. At this point, Lily had almost forgotten why the story had started.


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 07:52:14 UTC
"I never said it made sense," Harry mumbled. If there hadn't been so many witnesses, Harry doubted anyone would have believed him.

"I went back that night, to see if Snape's body was still there. It wasn't." And there started a three year obsession. Harry rolled his shoulders. "I never thought to question it. For a while, everything moved so fast, funerals piled on top of one another, and then there was Ron, Hermione and I back at school to help rebuild." That year had been...fast. Very fast. "It wasn't until I picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet that I realized there were other things going on that I'd been missing. I spent months championing for clearance of Snape's name."


lpotter January 29 2009, 08:00:07 UTC
She brushed her hand through his hair, trying to get it to sit flat, but not harshly. Something she should have realized was a losing battle. "It does, actually." In a small way.

"One day I want to hear about those two," Lily put in. "Months championing for clearance of his name? Did it work?"


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 16:32:00 UTC
"After a while." Harry grinned tiredly. "I think the Ministry just got sick of me whining at them." And they had an image to uphold. They hadn't wanted to look like they weren't granting Harry Potter a relatively easy request. "I got him a portrait in the Headmaster's office too."

If he'd had children...He had a child now, he didn't need to be thinking about the biological sort.


lpotter January 29 2009, 16:34:52 UTC
Lily smiled. "And how'd you go from championing him when you thought he was dead to here?" At least things were making slightly more sense. At least a little bit.


a_jade_phoenix January 29 2009, 16:38:46 UTC
"One of my co-workers and my boss set me up. They thought I was working too hard." He had been, but that wasn't really the point. "So, I volunteered to take time off and take Teddy on a vacation."

That was how he and Teddy arrived in Canada, but it still wasn't what his mother was looking for.


lpotter January 29 2009, 16:49:47 UTC
"Where did you work?" she asked, curiously. Lily hadn't had a job. She wasn't sure that she had ever thought far enough into the future to what she'd do. Her goal was always to do well in the present. Do well in classes. Manage to defeat Voldemort. She'd never thought of what she wanted to do when she grew up. Not for a long time. Lily was curious as to what her son had decided to do with his life.


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