
Dec 16, 2008 19:51

Who:  Remus and Sirius
When:  9pm sharp!
Where:  Middle of the park
What:  Remus has asked Sirius on a date.
Status:  Closed - Complete
Rating:  PG - This is REMUS.

An empty park and a flower. )

sirius black, remus lupin

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the_five_signs December 17 2008, 02:51:25 UTC
"I'm glad." He held the flowers in one hand and slid his other gloved one into Sirius', to tug him off of the semi-cleared sidewalk and into the ankle-deep snow. After about ten steps, well off the path, Remus would step forward.. and disappear, as if walking through an invisible wall. But he would tug poor Sirius along with him, right through the barrier, and into a small bubble, maybe a square ten by ten, that had grass on the ground, as well as a checkered blanket, a picnic basket, and a coat hangar in the corner for their jackets. All around them, the frozen park could still be seen.. but inside this little bubble, this invisible square, they couldn't be seen. And it was warm, inside, like a spring day. "I made dinner." Half apology, and half just to inform him ( ... )


the_five_signs December 17 2008, 09:56:40 UTC
"Oh, Sirius." He pressed his mouth against the side of Sirius' silky hair and closed his eyes, breathing in his smell before speaking again. "I could forgive you anything. I already did. A long time ago." In the shrieking shack. With Harry. But fool him once.. shame on you. Fool him twice? Shame on him. He'd been betrayed once, Sirius. Never again.

"Stop apologizing. You had valid reasons for not trusting me. I wouldn't have trusted me. No one would have. You can't blame yourself for being normal. For being cautious. You were protecting your friends.." He breathed in slowly again. "Can you forgive me for thinking you killed them?" Though he had known, for the later half of those years, that he'd been very wrong. "We were both wrong."


bloodydrapery December 17 2008, 10:12:52 UTC
With Moony's soothing voice in his ear, and his soft lips against his hair, Sirius started to calm down. While his heart still protested that Moony was wrong, that Sirius had no good reason to blame him. After everything they'd been through and everything they'd done, Sirius had suspected him because he was a werewolf? For the first time in his life, Sirius had truly been a Black. And gods, it made him sick to his stomach.

But right now, he didn't want to keep arguing. He just wanted to be here with Remus, in this moment, and let himself believe that everything was okay. He simply nodded to answer Remus's question. Of course he'd forgive him. It had never even crossed his mind to be angry about it.

"I love you, Remus. I love you so bloody much."


the_five_signs December 17 2008, 10:18:28 UTC
"I know you do. And I know you always will, no matter what happens between us." He lifted a hand to push into that silky hair. It felt good between his fingers. Comforting. "It's going to be alright. All of it. I'm going to make it alright." Now, Remus Lupin had always been an adult trapped inside a child's body.. but that particular sentence, that particular promise, was something he'd never issued before. It was, however, something he'd once said to Sirius during their alone time, after the only remaining Black had escaped his prison and joined the Order. Remus had gained more confidence in his later years.

It was rubbing off.

"Now come on.. let's finish this date, and I won't ask you any more questions." Quietly promised.. though he had hundreds now. Some things had come clear. Others were either fuzzy.. or missing completely.


bloodydrapery December 17 2008, 10:33:00 UTC
Sirius sniffed and nodded, remembering the last time he'd heard Remus say those words. An older Remus... an older Sirius... very different circumstances. But a similar promise all the same. And that time... it hadn't turned out to be very true, had it?

But still, Sirius found himself believing. Found himself relaxing. He curled his hands around Remus's shoulders and squeezed him again briefly, before backing away and nodding. "Okay... that sounds wonderful. But Moony, if you want to know something... please, ask. I'll be alright. You deserve to know."


the_five_signs December 17 2008, 10:37:49 UTC
"I do deserve to know. But it can wait until we've eaten, at least. I made this feast," Which certainly wasn't a feast at all. "You have to eat at least something." Quietly encouraged. Fatherly Remus. "It's alright." He lifted a bandaged, bruised hand to touch his friend's cheek. "Still so pretty." Even when he'd been crying.


bloodydrapery December 17 2008, 10:56:16 UTC
"Well," Sirius laughed tightly, "you know I'm never one to let food go to waste."

Before reaching for any food, he lifted his own hand to rest gently on Remus's where it touched his face, careful not to put pressure on the injuries. "Come on, Moony, I'm not that old," he joked to hide the blush, though he figured the comment hadn't actually had to do with his age.


the_five_signs December 17 2008, 17:09:04 UTC
"You're fantastic." Assured again, as the werewolf leaned in, using his hand to guide him, and pressed his mouth gently against Sirius'. It was chaste (not all of their kisses always were..) but it lasted a long few seconds, before he was drawing back, and slowly removing his hand from beneath the other man's. "No more tears. Come on. Try this." He was reaching over then and bringing the non-ruined sandwich to rest in his lap, so he could offer up half of it. "It'll do you a world of good, Padfoot."


bloodydrapery December 19 2008, 06:08:05 UTC
If anything was going to ensure that the tears stopped, it was a kiss like that. Sirius smiled and ran his fingers through Remus's soft, sandy hair and down his cheek before dropping his hand. "Fine, Mother," he teased lightly, and took the sandwich half.

Actually, he realized then that he was rather hungry. He took a bite and was glad he did. "Mmm. Now I remember why you always did all the cooking."


the_five_signs December 19 2008, 06:19:57 UTC
"Because I can cook and you can't?" He smiled just some and simply watched the other man eat the sandwich, like some sort of proud mother. Or father. He wanted to make sure Sirius ate it all.

"Have you put up any of those cards, around town?"


bloodydrapery December 19 2008, 11:22:01 UTC
Sirius laughed. "I am rather shit at it, aren't I?" He didn't even have a defense or a retort. Sirius Black was talented, probably even the best, at many things. Culinary art was not one of them.

He almost dropped his sandwich again at Remus's question, but somehow managed to remain calm and collected instead. "Cards?" he asked, and gestured at the beautiful black and pink one Remus had given him. "With the secrets, like this one? I... don't have anything to hide. Not from the people that matter, anyway."

He wasn't sure why he didn't want to come right out and admit he'd made that secret. Remus knew everything now, and it wasn't as though he didn't know Sirius felt guilty. It just felt... silly, maybe, to say out loud that he'd needed to write it on a postcard for legions of strangers to see.


the_five_signs December 19 2008, 23:45:38 UTC
"Alright." Easily enough. Remus didn't suspect him or lying, nor of any sort of deception. He merely smiled at him and nodded, too-long hair swinging into his face. He did trust Sirius, and if he said that he hadn't written a card, Remus had no reason to disbelieve him.

He wouldn't ask again.

"Now eat up, Padfoot." He was offering out the other side of the sandwich, knowing full well that his friend wasn't even done with the first. Perhaps they could have a decent enough date after all. Even though the werewolf's mind was on other things now, his face would never show it. Lupin had become quite the little actor over the years.


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