The Application

Jun 13, 2010 08:18

[The Application]

Great, so you read the rules, and you wanna come have some fun. Awesome. Now you can make a character journal, fill this out, and paste the app in an entry. Then send the link to

Remember, you can play one to four characters. Any character goes. [Note: Though any character goes, we do have standards for Muns and applications. Please use proper English (Unless responding in your character's voice, and they would not use it). Please be thorough but thrifty. We have the right to say 'No' or ask you to follow up on a few things.]

* there is a temporary cap on characters from the Merlin fandom

Due to the adult nature of the game, you must be at least 18 years or older to apply.

Time Zone:
RPG experience:
Your Fandoms:
How did you find the game:
Who Do You Respect?:

Physical Appearance:
Any Noteable Physical Characteristics: (i.e. scars, weird colored eyes)
Sexual Orientation/Preference:
Significant Other:

Personality in Seven Words or Less:

How others Percieve Your Character:

How and why did your character arrive in AV? (i.e. willingly, death, random appearance?)

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:
(In your character's voice)

1. What turns you on:
2. What turns you off:
3. Would you ever see a shrink:
4. Worst Childhood experience:
5. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage...
6. Favorite Song:
7. Favorite Word:
8. Least Favorite Word:
9. Favorite Curse Word:
10. What's something that bothers you about girls?
11. Sound or Noise they hate:
12. Sound or Noise they love:
13. Is there something you will never forget?
14. Have you ever had feelings for someone you didn't expect to?
15. What do you do when you're upset?
16. Do you get jealous easily?
17. Half full or half empty:
18. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
19. Is there a difference between love and being in love?
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

→writing samples
Sample Journal Entry:
Sample RPG:

Links to previous threads from other games as this character

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character:

{Please copy&paste this into a journal entry and fill it all out before sending your application to the mods. Thank you!}

Time Zone:
RPG experience:
Your Fandoms:
How did you find the game:
Who Do You Respect?:

Physical Appearance:
Any Noteable Physical Characteristics: (i.e. scars, weird colored eyes)
Sexual Orientation/Preference:
Significant Other:

Personality in Seven Words or Less:

How others Percieve Your Character:

How and why did your character arrive in AV? (i.e. willingly, death, random appearance?)

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:
(In your character's voice)

1. What turns you on:
2. What turns you off:
3. Would you ever see a shrink:
4. Worst Childhood experience:
5. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage...
6. Favorite Song:
7. Favorite Word:
8. Least Favorite Word:
9. Favorite Curse Word:
10. What's something that bothers you about girls?
11. Sound or Noise they hate:
12. Sound or Noise they love:
13. Is there something you will never forget?
14. Have you ever had feelings for someone you didn't expect to?
15. What do you do when you're upset?
16. Do you get jealous easily?
17. Half full or half empty:
18. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
19. Is there a difference between love and being in love?
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

→writing samples
Sample Journal Entry:
Sample RPG:

Links to previous threads from other games as this character

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character:

application, mod tag