Welcome to the ninth kinkmeme prompts post!
Before you dive right into the fun, there's a few rules and guidelines we'd like to ask you to read (and follow!)
-One prompt per comment.
-Give your prompt a meaningful subject line, i.e. "BA/Murdock dog tag fetish".
-You may post anonymously or as a logged in user.
-Once you complete a fill,
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When Face and G were situated in same place, some bad Father or abusive foster father made an attempt to hurt Face. G put himself in the way and didn't back down. Because for G there once was an older foster brother who was beaten to death by drunken foster father, he's sorry he didn't do anything to stop it back then (canon fact), and he didn't want to make same mistake. Crazy reprimand or beating happened but it also caught people's attention and got them out of the current group home/foster home. They were sent to next different wherever the places and lost touch ( ... )
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