A general restriction to terminations after 20 weeks except in extreme circumstances, with a requirement of informed consent by the mother (and informing one parent in the case of girls under 16).
A requirement/caveat, presumably somewhat flexible in its interpretation, that either "the woman will suffer serious personal, family or social consequences" or "the pregnancy is causing or will cause serious danger to the woman’s physical or mental health".
I'd be happier if the notification to the parents of underaged persons is only AFTER the abortion. Ideally the parents should be notified beforehand, but in some situations, this is going to be a very bad idea.
Curse this night shift! I have much to add to this discussion, especially in the areas of euthanasia and abortion, esp the practicalities in WA regarding minors, but am too fuzzy headed after waking. I'll join in tomorrow if the discussion is still alive.
Comments 43
A requirement/caveat, presumably somewhat flexible in its interpretation, that either "the woman will suffer serious personal, family or social consequences" or "the pregnancy is causing or will cause serious danger to the woman’s physical or mental health".
Actually sounds about right to me.
The caveat given sounds extremely flexible; it could be extended to cover almost any instance of pregnancy.
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