Because let us not forget that Erica's job-success was followed by job-fail, albeit with a greater sense of self and capability and confidence and resources.
Fine, and moresylvie_featherSeptember 17 2014, 23:28:07 UTC
You will be better than fine - you'll be everything you ever wanted to be. Have I mentioned how glad I am to have been made aware of "Being Erica?" Must re-watch, and soon. Unique, wonderful.
But I'm not facetious - I suspect you will, one day, look back at your life, with many years still ahead of you, and realize you need new goals, because you've fulfilled the ones you had.
PS - I've watched now every episode of the 1972 BBC mini-series. Have to review before writing it up, but it's not bad, once you get past the mediocre production values and the tendency to staginess afflicting all the 1970s (and most of the 1980s) mini-series adaptations. Emma is strange - beyond neurotic, almost a bit unbalanced. Definitely disturbed - and I find this was deliberate. Mr. Knightley is the grounding, and the relation is quite well done, once the above allowances are made.
The Mrs. Elton is wonderful. Fiona Walker - I'd seen her before, I knew, but when I identified where, I was most impressed - an entirely different characterization. Of course, it's a showy and funny role - guaranteed to be fun for any actress.
I've also written the piece on the song choices in the three adaptations we focus on, and posted it. Fascinating, how much in keeping - the songs chosen for Emma to sing - with each production's feeling about the character.
Comments 2
But I'm not facetious - I suspect you will, one day, look back at your life, with many years still ahead of you, and realize you need new goals, because you've fulfilled the ones you had.
Been there, it's weird, but interesting.
Love you.
Edited because I cannot spell this evening.
PS - I've watched now every episode of the 1972 BBC mini-series. Have to review before writing it up, but it's not bad, once you get past the mediocre production values and the tendency to staginess afflicting all the 1970s (and most of the 1980s) mini-series adaptations. Emma is strange - beyond neurotic, almost a bit unbalanced. Definitely disturbed - and I find this was deliberate. Mr. Knightley is the grounding, and the relation is quite well done, once the above allowances are made.
The Mrs. Elton is wonderful. Fiona Walker - I'd seen her before, I knew, but when I identified where, I was most impressed - an entirely different characterization. Of course, it's a showy and funny role - guaranteed to be fun for any actress.
I've also written the piece on the song choices in the three adaptations we focus on, and posted it. Fascinating, how much in keeping - the songs chosen for Emma to sing - with each production's feeling about the character.
Love, and love.
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