Sep 19, 2011 12:50

SUGGESTIONS. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Leave them here, and we'll do our best to address them in a timely manner! This post can also be used as a general mod-contact and plot-suggestion post.

Comments are screened and anonymous is enabled.


Your Name:
Character Name:
Character Journal:

Plot summary: This is the quick-and-dirty version; all we want here is a couple of sentences summarizing the main points of the plot.
How will this work? We don’t need an essay, but this is where we’d like to see a more detailed outline of what your plot entails and how you intend to make it happen.
Any negative consequences? If your character is starting a plot that might lead to some repercussions for your character, please let us know what you’ve got planned out here. Even if the answer is “there are no consequences”, we’d just like something for our records.

When do you want this to happen? A ballpark estimate is fine. Please keep in mind that the more lead time we have, the easier it will be to get your plot on the calendar.
Opt-out mechanism? This can be something as simple as “the magic sexswap ray only works 50% of the time”, but we will generally need a way for people to be able to opt-out of any given plot, should they so choose.

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