
Dec 08, 2011 10:59

CHARACTERS: Ianto Jones and Jack Harkness
LOCATION: Somewhere in the passenger quarters
WARNINGS: Angst, possible progression into NC-17 territory.
SUMMARY: Jack and Ianto run into each other in the passenger quarters just after everyone arrives.

Ianto missed his suit already )

jack harkness, ianto jones

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capt_greatcoat December 9 2011, 01:54:33 UTC
Jack had had his fill of socializing in the locker room, and so after a little while he excused himself out to do a bit of exploring on his own. There were enough people around that running into someone in the hallways wasn't much of a surprise. And he'd been living in such a haze for the last few months that mistaking someone in front of him for Ianto wasn't that strange of an occurrence either. What was strange was the fact that upon closer inspection of the man in question, the appearance didn't change at all. Against all possible explanations, there was Ianto Jones, a little ways down the hallway from him.

Jack stopped dead in his tracks, and when he spoke, his voice was oddly hesitant, and not at all the way he normally sounded. "...Ianto?"


suitedforcoffee December 13 2011, 23:19:26 UTC
Ianto responded readily, passion surging at Jack's eager kiss. God, when was the last time they'd done this? Days ago, for Ianto. Long before Rhys and his bloody beans had put a damper on their last chance at it before-- Ianto's thoughts skittered away from that path. And how long had it been for Jack? Longer, so much longer, and he'd been so lost and so alone when Ianto had found him in the hallway.

With a sudden desperation, Ianto needed Jack. He needed to close all remaining distance, to be as close as it was possible for two people to be. He shivered despite the heat of the shower, Jack's fingers like fire down his back.


capt_greatcoat December 13 2011, 23:29:46 UTC
Jack knew Ianto enough to know exactly what that shiver meant, and he responded to it in turn, pressing the pair of them up against each other as much as he could, fitting their bodies together as best he could. After a moment or two of kissing, Jack pulled back to kiss his way down the side of Ianto's jaw, to his neck, sucking on the skin there gently. His one hand sliding from Ianto's jaw to his shoulders and the other resting on his lower back, Jack kneaded the skin and muscles there, his attention entirely focused on the other man. They could be anywhere, anything could happen around them, and he wouldn't notice anything but the warmth of Ianto's skin and the sound of his breathing.


suitedforcoffee December 13 2011, 23:47:24 UTC
Ianto's breath hitched and he clung to Jack, burying his fingers in Jack's hair. Only in the back of his mind was he still aware they were in a public shower, and he didn't care. They had a shower curtain. If someone walked in, they could get an earful.

He was already achingly hard, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for very long. Jack probably wouldn't either, but it didn't matter. There was time and stamina enough for slow and sensual later, if they pleased; this was release. He ground their hips together, craving friction, his hands seeking the swell of Jack's bottom, the firm lines of his thighs.


capt_greatcoat December 13 2011, 23:56:19 UTC
Where Ianto's hands were seeking, Jack was already pressing forward to meet him, rolling his hips against Ianto's as his hands roamed across the skin of Ianto's back, his bottom, the backs of his legs. He knew that there were more efficient ways of getting Ianto off, but that wasn't what he was seeking right then.

They weren't in this for the sex at that moment, although it was happening. But Jack was just appreciating Ianto as intimately as he could, rolling his hips against Ianto's own as his mouth trailed along the lines and nooks of Ianto's throat and collarbone. His arms were firm around him as they moved together - Ianto wasn't going anywhere, and Jack had him right where he wanted him. He let out a soft noise of contentment - he was equally as aroused as Ianto, if not more so, and it had been a very long time since he'd been in the position he was there.


suitedforcoffee December 14 2011, 00:32:11 UTC
Ianto made a keening noise in the back of his throat as Jack's mouth found a sensitive spot and their hips found an easy rhythm. They rocked into each other steadily, firmly, feeling the pressure build a little more, bit by bit.

"Jack..." he sighed into Jack's ear, his tone conveying love and desire where words failed him. He felt truly alive then, as if everything that came before might have been just the dream of a dead man. He'd needed this connection, this affirmation of life to truly believe this was real. That he was still real. And he hadn't known it until that moment.


capt_greatcoat December 14 2011, 00:51:02 UTC
Jack didn't need telling twice here, either. Ianto was obviously enjoying himself, and he was too, and after so long with all of that guilt and regret Jack could finally feel again and by god he was going to enjoy the feeling of this.

Yes, Ianto, you are real, and you are here with me, his actions said, as he hooked his arms around Ianto, resting on the back of his thigh right where it met his bottom so that he could use the leverage and push them further together on each rock with their hips. I'm not going to let you go anywhere. I've got you back and you're here to stay. He ran his tongue along the line of Ianto's collarbone, dipping it into the crevice right above his breastbone, nipping slightly at the exposed skin of Ianto's neck as Ianto opened himself up to the contact. Responding in turn to Ianto's tone with his actions that yes, yes he loved him. He loved him quite a lot. Ianto meant the world to him and now he knew and he was not going to take this second chance for granted, not the way he had with the first.


suitedforcoffee December 14 2011, 01:29:59 UTC
Ianto lost himself completely in Jack. The ship could have fallen apart around them and he wouldn't have noticed. All he knew was Jack's mouth, Jack's fingers, Jack's erection sliding against his own, their shared pleasure and their shared devotion. This was his world, and nothing else mattered.

As Jack found better leverage, so did he, cupping the curve of Jack's bottom in one hand, kneading as they moved together. His breath came in stutters, his fingernails scraping lightly against Jack's scalp. Every sensation was enhanced tenfold, his nerves firing rapidly as every singular drop of water beat teasingly against his skin. The sweet ache of it built and built in a rising crescendo until it burst.

Ianto came not with a shout, but with a hitched whimper, spilling hard between them in spurts of trembling pleasure.


capt_greatcoat December 14 2011, 02:09:37 UTC
It didn't take Jack all that much longer to come himself, both from the contact but also from the feeling of Ianto shuddering against him, the sound of Ianto's hitched whimper and stuttering breath all combining to push him over the edge himself. After he was done, he stood there holding on to the other man, his own breathing coming faster than it normally would for a moment, before he bent and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, then one to his lips full-on, before pulling back and smiling at him.

"...I missed you," he said again, and he meant it every bit as he did the first time, if not more. He ran a hand through Ianto's hair, smiling wider, before he turned, searching for the shampoo dispenser. "Come on, then. Let's get you clean..."


suitedforcoffee December 14 2011, 03:22:46 UTC
Ianto nodded dazedly, sated and loose-limbed, feeling immensely better than he had since before the hub exploded. His breathing was slower to even out than Jack's, and his legs felt a little unsteady, but he trusted Jack not to let him fall if they gave out.

He let Jack lather shampoo through his hair, making a contented noise and indulging for a few minutes before squirting some shampoo in his own hands and returning the favor. Thorough as always, he made sure he caught every strand before pulling Jack back under the spray, letting it wash over both of them, the frothy suds running down the drain.


capt_greatcoat December 15 2011, 01:13:12 UTC
Jack let the other man wash his hair, shutting his eyes against the feeling of it, relaxing into the touch, smiling as he did, opening his eyes only when he was sure that Ianto'd finished and had succeeded in washing the shampoo out of his hair. He reached for the soap next, enjoying working it over the other man's body, enjoying caressing every inch of him that he could. Not sexually - they'd covered that part already - but still very much appreciative of Ianto's physique nonetheless.


suitedforcoffee December 15 2011, 18:37:50 UTC
Ianto hummed appreciatively, enjoying the attention, still basking in the afterglow. He touched Jack where he could, squeezing a shoulder gently, fingertips resting on a collarbone. It was when he ran a hand down Jack's arm that he caught sight of the tattoo again, and experienced a strange revelation. Concerned, he ran his fingers over the marking for the second time.

"How does it stay?" he asked softly. "Shouldn't your body be healing it?" If Jack wasn't healing as normal...Ianto didn't want to think about it.


capt_greatcoat December 16 2011, 01:56:10 UTC
Jack hadn't thought about that, and looked down at the tattoo curiously. "Well. It's possible that they could have used some sort of nanotechnology, and tricked my body into thinking that that's the way it's always been..." he said. But the fact was, he didn't know. He didn't even know if that sort of a thing were possible, or whether if he died and came back to life that he'd wake up with no tattoo, or whether he'd even come back at all. It frightened him, really, how many unknowns there suddenly were to the equation, with just pointing out that one, simple little fact. "I don't know," he said, honestly. "I don't... I really don't know."


suitedforcoffee December 16 2011, 18:55:32 UTC
Ianto took a steadying breath against the same possibilities that were running through Jack's mind. This was no time to panic about it. "We'll figure it out," he reassured steadily, giving Jack's arm a gentle squeeze. "It's probably nothing."

Neither of them really believed that, but they had far too much on their plates right now. "Let's finish getting cleaned up and find our room." He soaped up Jack in return, taking his time, making sure to get every nook and cranny. It was a little more than strictly proficient, though. Jack must have died a hundred times since Ianto met him alone, but Ianto still felt the need to examine him for all his fingers and toes, to smooth his hands over skin as if it might suddenly bear impossible new scars. Especially now, with that damning tattoo, Ianto needed to be sure Jack was whole.


capt_greatcoat December 17 2011, 04:30:13 UTC
And Jack was whole, at least in the physical sense. Emotionally, however... Well, he was getting better. Ianto was alive and so at least there was some of the guilt he was carrying around lessened. That didn't mean that it was gone, though. On the contrary, there was still a lot of guilt he was carrying around, about Ianto's death, about Stephen's. About the 456. About how he'd handled that and how he'd left Gwen. His past, and everything he could have, should have done. These last few months without Ianto, everything seemed to have just boiled up and become overwhelming enough that Jack had tried to run away from it all. Which hadn't really worked, in the long run ( ... )


suitedforcoffee December 17 2011, 08:11:24 UTC
Ianto wrapped his arms around Jack, quietly content at finding him whole and unchanged. Physically, Jack was as fit and fine as ever, but Ianto could tell something wasn't quite right. He'd developed a keen sense for these things over the past two years, and beyond what was immediately obvious, he could see plainly that Jack was more vulnerable than ever. Not all of it could be attributed to...what had happened to Ianto. Could it? No, not now that Ianto was here and well, and Jack still seemed strangely brittle. But he didn't ask. Jack would either tell him in his own time or keep his silence while taking comfort from him, but pushing Jack would be met with stubborn resistance ( ... )


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