a good time is all we're after;

Dec 20, 2011 19:42

CHARACTERS: anomalyse + unparental + EVERYONE EVER, ALL OF YOU.

LOCATION: One of the big common rooms near all the dorms + a smaller room for movies nearby. Or kitchen runs if people want to thread them BASICALLY WHEREVER YOU TAKE IT.

WARNINGS: Partying. Probably language. If anybody ends up getting their freak on (or gets triggery, it happens) let me know and I'll ( Read more... )

megamind, red alert, max "hotspur" southey, agent carolina, ianto jones, dave strider, connor temple, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, agent north dakota, america (alfred f. jones), eridan ampora, kroton, austria (roderich edelstein), chase kilgannon, rarity, john "oxford" buchanan, jenna sommers, rey, hal 9000, cave johnson, jack harkness, statsraaden, shadow, sherlock holmes, the doctor (eleventh), jade harley | au

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THE CORRIDOR OUTSIDE. unparental December 21 2011, 03:43:47 UTC
bearsthevision December 24 2011, 06:01:09 UTC
Chase is visibly distressed and she immediately backs away--more from the noise than anything--and her hand recants itself, cradling it like it had just been burned.

"I didn't--I didn't mean it," She managed, looking pointedly at Richard. Just like she was certain many people didn't mean the slightly offensive remarks about her age.

"I've seen things. In war. Bad things. I've done bad things. I just--I wanted to compare..."


remember that you asked for this uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 00:45:09 UTC
Eridan knew full well that a party had been planned, and he had every intention of scoping it out once he was sure that it was big enough that he wouldn't be noticed immediately. It wasn't like he was antisocial or anything - he just didn't like most of the people here. Or, more accurately, he was casually disinterested in liking them.

He wandered in the direction of all the festivities once it became apparent that there were plenty of people inside the common area; the corridor outside the room seemed to be pretty empty, which meant that he was being fashionably late (exactly what he was aiming for, if we're being honest) - but, when he got closer, he saw that someone was lingering outside. He came right up to the creeper and crossed his arm, arching a brow. "Wwhat are you doin' out here?"

Might as well put that SEC on his arm to use, right?


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uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 08:29:02 UTC
Eridan didn't bother answering right away; he was distracted by the bizzare way the other was talking and how he could see that part of his face didn't move right. He stepped sideways to get a better look, quirking a brow. "Bored," he finally replied, but he was obviously more interested in other things now. "Wwhat the hell's up wwith your face?"


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uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 08:53:02 UTC
There was no possible way this guy could have gotten Eridan any more interested in his face. He leaned in - personal space wasn't really something he thought much about - and squinted. "Wwhy? Is this some kind'a human wweird fetish or somethin'? It's not doin' you any fuckin' favvors, that's for sure."

Thankfully, he wasn't enough of a complete idiot to try touching it or anything, because even he had an idea of what limits there were in uncomfortable conversational topics. More than that, he even seemed to notice the awkwardness, even if it was peripheral. ...He just didn't care. "Wwhat did you do, get in a fuckin' fight wwith some kinda mangy wwild animal?"


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uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 09:17:59 UTC
Eridan scowled. "Y'knoww, there are a lot'a fuckin' wwars out there. You might wwanna be more specific." Except, he realized suddenly, it wouldn't matter. Eridan knew pretty much nothing of Earth wars - just Alternian ones. "Nevver mind, I wwouldn't knoww about it anywway," he added, waving a hand before using it to push his glasses up his nose, squinting again. "Wwhat happened, did you get turned into some kinda half-machine thing or somethin'? Some kinda shitty robot assimilation attempt gone awwry?"


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uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 09:54:37 UTC
"Oh." Huh. That was weird. Then again, it wasn't too different from Vriska wearing her half-blacked-out glasses. Just uglier, and trying too hard to look like the rest of his face. Eridan briefly wondered if the guy was forced to never shave off his dorky mustache because of the thing. Probably. Lame. Trench warfare was a crock of shit, anyway - who even did that? Everyone knew that airborne attacks - or, better yet, space warfare - was more efficient than sitting around in the dirt.

"Wwell, that fuckin' blowws," he grumbled, "So wwhat, are you like, missin' a wwhole part'a your skull? Howw does that evven wwork? Wwhat's it evven look like?"


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uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 10:14:55 UTC
The right answer, incidentally, was that Eridan was a brat. But, brat or not, he was still a little surprised that this guy with the weird mask was willing to take it off - he was pretty sure that there was some kind of social code that meant he was supposed to be getting his ass kicked for being too nosy, or maybe get a few scathing remarks tossed his way about his lack of manners. (Then again, maybe that Jones guy was just a huge jerkoff and not the end-all-be-all of human propriety. Yeah, that was probably it.)

"It's gonna be botherin' the evver lovvin' carp outta me if I don't, noww, so yeah, let's do this." ...Wait. "Eridan Ampora, by the wway. Since you're gonna be real forwward an' showw me some battle wwounds an' shit, figure it's only coddamn polite'a me to introduce myself."


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uncodlyawwesome December 22 2011, 10:37:47 UTC
Eridan's impatience showed itself in the way he bounced slightly on the balls of his feet, waiting for Richard to get his act together and show him exactly what was so gross under his ugly mask.

--And okay, that was pretty fucking gross. He pulled a face, but he didn't back out of the personal space bubble he'd already infiltrated. "Eugh." He almost lifted a hand with the intentions of poking at the place where Richard's mouth dropped downward, or at the hollow where an eye should've been, but he thankfully refrained, only raising it to gesture at the wrecked side of his face. "Guess I can see the fuckin' appeal'a that mask you got. Man, that must make quadrants a fuckin' pain."


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